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|\ merge from release-0.7, released as 0.6.
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StyXman committed Dec 9, 2015
2 parents c4fcbc5 + 19bacdb commit c12d6bc
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Showing 74 changed files with 2,009 additions and 1,321 deletions.
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion ChangeLog.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
ayrton (0.6) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
ayrton (0.7) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium

* Send data to/from the remote via another `ssh` channel, which is more stable than using `stdin`.
* Stabilized a lot all tests, specially those using a mocked stdout for getting test validation.
* A lot of tests have been moved to their own scripts in ayrton/tests/scripts, which also work as (very minimal) examples of whatś working.
* Use `flake8` to check the code.
* Move `remote()` to its own source.
* API change: if a `str` or `bytes` object is passed in `_in`, then it's the name of a file where to read `stdin`. If it's an `int`, then it's considered a file descriptor. This makes the API consistent to `_out` and `_err` handling.
* More error handling.
* Fixed errors with global variables handling.
* `argv` is handled at the last time possible, allowing it being passed from test invoction.
* `shift` complains on negative values.
* Lazy `pprint()`, so debug statemens do not do useless work.
* `stdin/out/err` handling in `remote()` is done by a single thread.
* Modify a lot the local terminal when in `remote()` so, among other things, we have no local echo.
* Properly pass the terminal type and size to the remote. These last three features allows programs like `vi` be run in the remote.
* Paved the road to make `remote()`s more like `Command()`s.

-- Marcos Dione <[email protected]> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 15:48:49 +0100

ayrton (0.6) unstable; urgency=medium

* Great improvements in `remote()`'s API and sematics:
* Made sure local varaibles go to and come back from the remote.
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40 changes: 31 additions & 9 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
DEBUG_MULTI=strace -tt -T -ff -o runner -s 128
DEBUG_SIMPLE=strace -tt -T -o runner -s 128

all: docs


bash -c 'while true; do nc -l -s -p 2233 -e /bin/bash; done' & \
pid=$$!; \
LC_ALL=C python3 -m unittest discover -v ayrton; \
kill $$pid
LC_ALL=C $(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -v ayrton

# LC_ALL=C $(DEBUG_SIMPLE) $(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -f -v ayrton
LC_ALL=C $(DEBUG_MULTI) $(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -f -v ayrton

LC_ALL=C $(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -f -v ayrton

PYTHONPATH=${PWD} make -C doc html

install: tests
python3 install --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR)
$(PYTHON) install --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR)

echo "unsafe install, are you sure?"
read foo
python3 install --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR)
@echo "unsafe install, are you sure?"
@read foo
$(PYTHON) install --prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR)

upload: tests upload-docs
python3 sdist upload
$(PYTHON) sdist upload

upload-docs: docs
rsync --archive --verbose --compress --rsh ssh doc/build/html/

push: tests
git push

flake8 --ignore E201,E211,E225,E221,E226,E202 --show-source --statistics --max-line-length 130 ayrton/*.py

rm -rfv ayrton.*log runner.*

# TODO: generate the server key
if ! [ -f rsa_server_key ]; then \
true; \
# TODO: discover path?
/usr/sbin/sshd -dd -e -h $(shell pwd)/rsa_server_key -p 2244
25 changes: 23 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,10 +210,31 @@ their main objective, and its syntax is designed around it. That leads to
shortcuts that later are more difficult to read and creates problems when
handling filenames that have special characters.

Q: Instead, why not use...

A: (Short version) We think nobody provides all of `ayrton`'s features.

A: ... [`sh`]( Well, we started with `sh` as a basis
of `ayrton`, but its buffered output didn't allow us to run editors and other TIU's.

A: ... [`xonsh`]( `xonsh` keeps environment variables well
separated from Python ones; it even has a Python mode and a 'subprocess' mode;
and is more oriented to being a shell. `ayrton` aims directly in the opposite

A: ... [`plumbum`]( You could say that we
independently thought of its piping and redirection syntax (but in reality we just
based ours on `bash`'s). Still, the fact that you fisrt build pipes and then execute
them looks weird for a SysAdmin.

A: ... [`fabric`]( `fabric` is the only one that has remote
execution and the `cd` context manager, but command execution is still done via

# Thanks to:

`rbilstolfi`, `marianoguerra`, `facundobatista`, `ralsina`, `nessita` for unit
testing support, `Darni` for pointing me to
`rbilstolfi`, `marianoguerra`, `facundobatista`, `ralsina` for ideas; `nessita` for unit
testing support; `Darni` for pointing me to
[nvie's workflow for `git`](,
Andrew Moffat for [`sh`]( and Richard Jones for
this talk (thanks again, `ralsina`), even when I ended up doing something
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions TODO.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ Really do:

* better error reporting, including remotes

* interface so local and remote can easily setup more communication channels

* we're weeding out imports, we could gather a list and reimport them in the

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160 changes: 98 additions & 62 deletions ayrton/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
import ast
import logging
import dis
import traceback

# patch logging so we have debug2 and debug3
import ayrton.utils
Expand All @@ -45,67 +46,75 @@
from ayrton.parser.astcompiler.astbuilder import ast_from_node
from ayrton.ast_pprinter import pprint

__version__= '0.6'
__version__= '0.7'

def parse (script, file_name=''):
parser= PythonParser (None)
info= CompileInfo (file_name, 'exec')
return ast_from_node (None, parser.parse_source (script, info), info)

def polute (d, more):
d.update (__builtins__)
# weed out some stuff
for weed in ('copyright', '__doc__', 'help', '__package__', 'credits', 'license', '__name__'):
del d[weed]

# envars as gobal vars, shell like
d.update (os.environ)

# these functions will be loaded from each module and put in the globals
# tuples (src, dst) renames function src to dst
builtins= {
'os': [ ('getcwd', 'pwd'), 'uname', 'listdir', ],
'os.path': [ 'abspath', 'basename', 'commonprefix', 'dirname', ],
'time': [ 'sleep', ],
'sys': [ 'exit', 'argv' ],

'ayrton.file_test': [ '_a', '_b', '_c', '_d', '_e', '_f', '_g', '_h',
'_k', '_p', '_r', '_s', '_u', '_w', '_x', '_L',
'_N', '_S', '_nt', '_ot' ],
'ayrton.expansion': [ 'bash', ],
'ayrton.functions': [ 'cd', ('cd', 'chdir'), 'export', 'option', 'remote', 'run',
'shift', 'unset', ],
'ayrton.execute': [ 'o', 'Capture', 'CommandFailed', 'CommandNotFound',
'Pipe', 'Command'],

for module, functions in builtins.items ():
m= importlib.import_module (module)
for function in functions:
if type (function)==tuple:
src, dst= function
src= function
dst= function

d[dst]= getattr (m, src)

# now the IO files
for std in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
d[std]= getattr (sys, std).buffer

d.update (more)

class Environment (dict):
def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
super ().__init__ (*args, **kwargs)

self.polute ()

def polute (self):
self.update (__builtins__)
# weed out some stuff
for weed in ('copyright', '__doc__', 'help', '__package__', 'credits',
'license', '__name__', 'quit', 'exit'):
del self[weed]

# these functions will be loaded from each module and put in the globals
# tuples (src, dst) renames function src to dst
ayrton_builtins= {
'os': [ ('getcwd', 'pwd'), 'uname', 'listdir', ],
'os.path': [ 'abspath', 'basename', 'commonprefix', 'dirname', ],
'time': [ 'sleep', ],
'sys': [ 'exit', ], # argv is handled just before execution

'ayrton.file_test': [ '_a', '_b', '_c', '_d', '_e', '_f', '_g', '_h',
'_k', '_p', '_r', '_s', '_u', '_w', '_x', '_L',
'_N', '_S', '_nt', '_ot' ],
'ayrton.expansion': [ 'bash', ],
'ayrton.functions': [ 'cd', ('cd', 'chdir'), 'export', 'option', 'run',
'shift', 'unset', ],
'ayrton.execute': [ 'o', 'Capture', 'CommandFailed', 'CommandNotFound',
'Pipe', 'Command'],
'ayrton.remote': [ 'remote' ]

for module, functions in ayrton_builtins.items ():
m= importlib.import_module (module)
for function in functions:
if type (function)==tuple:
src, dst= function
src= function
dst= function

self[dst]= getattr (m, src)

# now the IO files
for std in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
self[std]= getattr (sys, std).buffer

class Ayrton (object):
def __init__ (self, g=None, l=None, **kwargs):
logger.debug ('===========================================================')
logger.debug ('new interpreter')
logger.debug3 ('globals: %s', ayrton.utils.dump_dict (g))
logger.debug3 ('locals: %s', ayrton.utils.dump_dict (l))
if g is None:
self.globals= {}
self.globals= g
polute (self.globals, kwargs)

self.globals= Environment ()
if g is not None:
self.globals.update (g)
self.globals.update (kwargs)

if l is None:
# If exec gets two separate objects as globals and locals,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,25 +146,41 @@ def __init__ (self, g=None, l=None, **kwargs):
self.options= {}
self.pending_children= []

def run_file (self, file):
# HACK to update the singleton
# this might break if we implement subinstances
global runner
runner= self

def run_file (self, file_name, argv=None):
# it's a pity that parse() does not accept a file as input
# so we could avoid reading the whole file
return self.run_script (open (file).read (), file)
logger.debug ('running from file %s', file_name)

f= open (file_name)
script= ()
f.close ()

return self.run_script (script, file_name, argv)

def run_script (self, script, file_name):
def run_script (self, script, file_name, argv=None):
logger.debug ('running script:\n-----------\n%s\n-----------', script)
tree= parse (script, file_name)
# TODO: self.locals?
tree= CrazyASTTransformer (self.globals, file_name).modify (tree)

return self.run_tree (tree, file_name)
return self.run_tree (tree, file_name, argv)

def run_tree (self, tree, file_name):

def run_tree (self, tree, file_name, argv=None):
logger.debug2 ('AST: %s', ast.dump (tree))
logger.debug2 ('code: \n%s', pprint (tree))

return self.run_code (compile (tree, file_name, 'exec'))
return self.run_code (compile (tree, file_name, 'exec'), file_name, argv)

def run_code (self, code):
def run_code (self, code, file_name, argv=None):
if logger.parent.level<=logging.DEBUG2:
logger.debug2 ('------------------')
logger.debug2 ('main (gobal) code:')
Expand All @@ -175,6 +200,14 @@ def run_code (self, code):
elif type (inst.argval)==str:
logger.debug ("last function is called: %s", inst.argval)

# prepare environment
self.globals.update (os.environ)

logger.debug (argv)
if argv is None:
argv= [ file_name ]
self.globals['argv']= argv

exec(): If only globals is provided, it must be a dictionary, which will
be used for both the global and the local variables. If globals and locals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,8 +237,11 @@ def run_code (self, code):
error= None
logger.debug3 ('globals for script: %s', ayrton.utils.dump_dict (self.globals))
exec (code, self.globals, self.locals)
except Exception as e:
logger.debug ('script finished by Exception')
logger.debug (traceback.format_exc ())
error= e

logger.debug3 ('globals at script exit: %s', ayrton.utils.dump_dict (self.globals))
Expand All @@ -218,26 +254,26 @@ def run_code (self, code):

return result

def wait_for_pending_children (self):
for i in range (len (self.pending_children)):
child= self.pending_children.pop (0)
child.wait ()

def run_tree (tree, g, l):
"""main entry point for remote()"""
global runner
runner= Ayrton (g=g, l=l)
return runner.run_tree (tree, 'unknown_tree')

def run_file_or_script (script=None, file='script_from_command_line', **kwargs):
def run_file_or_script (script=None, file_name='script_from_command_line', argv=None,
"""Main entry point for bin/ayrton and unittests."""
logger.debug ('===========================================================')
global runner
runner= Ayrton (**kwargs)
if script is None:
v= runner.run_file (file)
v= runner.run_file (file_name, argv)
v= runner.run_script (script, file)
v= runner.run_script (script, file_name, argv)

return v

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