- HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the frontend
- Node and MongoDB for the backend
- Express, Cors, and Mongoose NPM packages
Team Members ✌️
Webpages 💂♂️
- Homepage (Landing Page)
- Products Page
- Single Product Page (Dyanmic Page)
- TryOn Page
- Address Page
- Payments Page
- Thank you Page
Functionality 🔥
- Hovering pop ups
- Modal window sign-up/sign-in
- Dynamic products page
- Cart Modal Window
- Sign-in/Sign-up functionality
- Online MongoDB database for all registered users
Steps to run Website Locally ☀️
1) Open GitBash in the location you want to clone and store the files
2) Copy-Paste the command "git clone https://github.com/sushanthps2/Lenskart-Clone.git" on the terminal and run it
3) Goto the backend directory in your git terminal and install all the required packages with **npm install**
4) Run the backend server with the command **npm run server** in the backend folder.
5) Open Homepage.html with a live server (Landing Page)
Images of the Website 🥰