A Facebook commenter which comments into group posts without using API.
Latest Node version. (if you dont have, then download from Nodejs.org)
A terminal (MINGW/Git on windows,cmd will work too OR Linux(not tested on linux yet))
$ git clone https://github.com/SwapnilSoni1999/fb_auto-commentor -b 1.1-js auto-commenter
$ cd auto-commenter
Before you run script you need following packages to be installed:
Modules |
selenium-webdriver |
chromedriver |
object-length |
system-sleep |
fs |
readline-sync |
cryptr |
Install them using following command:
$ npm install --save [email protected] chromedriver object-length system-sleep fs readline-sync cryptr
After that just run node auto-comment.js
in terminal and follow the instructions.
$ node auto-comment.js
- If you want to reset credentials then just delete
- Always enter the group URL which you want to spam 😌