- Client server communication
- Brokerage system
- SRI events
- Item manufacture + oil/light mechanic
- v0.1 - Added basic view layout and server setup, Cycle Controller, Chat sockets.io example
- v0.1b - Added data mockup and brokerage map data structure, basic information is passed to client
- v0.2 - Added basic three.js view (gITF loader) and site logo
- v0.3 - Added functioning raycasting on blender gITF objects with custom properties
- v0.4 - Added raycasting-based movement with rough lerp animation, basic terrain and lighting test, camera follows player
- More interactivity, more animations and effects polish
- More audio
- Dear IMGUI / Javascript Bindings
V1: Server <-> Client route and static serve setup, basic public view layout, basic marketboard model, view and controller
- Project started on Oct. 12, 2020
- Week 0: Pre-concept, ideation, brainstorm.
- Week 1: Visual prototype, ideation deliverables
- Week 2: CRUD functionality (Cancelled)
- Week 3: MVP prototype (V1)
- Week 4: MVP prototype (V1) : Getting players' world positions synced, brokerage done, SRIs + Cycle System
- Week 4.5: User feedback deadline
- Week 5: Players Without Access Mechanics (oil/light mechanic), Deeper mechanics with brokerage + item manufacturing
- Week 6: Brokerage Archives/leaderboard, CRUD, Polish 3Cs (Camera, Control, Character), Polish sound, music and visual FXs
- Week 7: Test client-side functionalities, test reliability server-side, heroku app upload tests, polish
- Week 8: Polish, UI/UX
- Week 9: Polish