Live App:
Full Stack Reactjs/NodeJs app
Allow users to sign-in with Google, Allow user to maintain account with their expenses, Allows users to add expenses, dynamically search expenses with Text Filter and DateFitler, Sort Expenses by Amount and Date, edit existing expenses, deleteing expenses. Data is persistent and stored in a database.
Future Feature: Bank Statement Upload with CSV or PDF => converting data in a searchable datase of User's expenses => create an dashboard to get a snapshot of a user's spending => Allow users to set-up a budget and track budgeting performance.
Front-End Stack: ReactJs, Redux, Babel, Airbnb DatePicker, Moment.js, Validator
Styling: SCSS, Material Design Principles
Backend: NodeJs, Express Framework Server, Webpack, Firebase Realtime DB + Authentication, UUID, Running on Heroku
Testing: Dev process used JEST to develop and track testing throughout project tests include in respository.