FSS is like MAKE Files but for your projects and environments using .fss files.
First make a new file in your project named settings.fss
Next add FSS code/Commands
Run the FSS compiler or runner for scripting
Eset the the executable settings file this the fss interpreter
the most important command in FSS is the:
main:FILE and admin.main:FILE
using admin.main:
will run the core file as admin and main will run it as client.
FSS has built in support for pip pkgs and setup. Using:
pip: mypkg,mypkg2,!END
will download the packafes mypkg and mypkg2 it is important to add !END to list commands or your last file will not register!
Your can run windows CMD with the following command line:
Using this will run CMD
Using the command:
Will hide or show the setup windows
The command del:FILE
will remove files in the project environment
using the following command will copy text from file to another one:
To make a new file using the follow command:
When it comes to writing to files there are two ways to write. Using the command:
will override all existing text in the given file. On the other hand the command:
will append all text in the given file.
There is no main command for renaming command in FSS but there are still commands to get the same goal shown below:
To grab github raw source and save it or anyother file handing source site use:
To add a title to the console use:
title: NAME
To print text on the screen use:
To start compiling source files you need to Declare a compiler type using the line:
c-compiler: g++/gcc
doing this will target the type of comand todo when compiling Next you need to compile a file with the command:
cbuild: FILE.cpp
This will compile the file into a .out file or a .exe with the same name.
Compiling with rust is the same as with cpp but the only support compiler so far is rustc. To get started use the following commands:
To sleep a set amount of sec use the code:
If you want to debug your fss code use Devmode tools these have debugging features built into the app.