API specification for bitcoin on and off ramps.
The goal of this project is to provide a unified API specifications for Fiat on-ramps to create interoperability and easier integration of multiple on and offramps into apps.
As first priority we want to support on and off ramps standardization with lightning.
Telegram invite for the group.
All FiatLink specifications include a "Status" field. "Status" can be one of the following:
- Draft - The specification is still under active development and subject to change. Implementation is not recommended at this time.
- For Implementation - The specification has been widely reviewed by Fiatlink participants, is believed to have addressed all raised issues, and participants recommend this specification to be implemented.
- Stable - The specification has been implemented by at least one client and one exchange, which are developed by at least two different organizations or open-source project teams, and both development teams have reported interoperability without further modifications or clarifications of the specification.