4.2.2 Urgent patch - forms store on disk, removal of SQLite
In the 4.x releases the amount of configuration we were storing made us move from using config files to a database. We made the move first in the flutter-based embed control application and used SQLite. However, in Java the third party packaged SQLite library implementation does not work at all with Apple App Store or Apple Notarization. The amount of work to make it viable was significant. Given that we are only using this database for very lightweight storage requirements, we have made a one-off switch to a pure Java database HQLDB, and I am glad to say we can now move on from this.
However, and very importantly, all settings that were in the SQLite database will be lost after this release, (as above we can no longer ship the SQLite driver). If you have designed any forms, EXPORT THEM BEFORE PROCEEDING. If you have already upgraded and not done this step, the database will still be there untouched in ~/.tcmenu/tcDataStore.db, you can use most SQL tools to access the TC_FORM table and manually export the forms.
The other change in this release is to avoid the database being so critical in future, by saving editable forms within the active project. On first editing a mobile form a your_project/form directory will be created, and the forms you create stored there. On a best-efforts basis, the designer will keep these forms coordinated.
Available as a signed installer for Windows, Notarized disk image for macOS, and as a Linux package.