"POINTER" is a community service with a voting system. People can create virtual space with their members. Anyone in their space could enroll a question to be voted. Each member of the room votes anonymously depending on their opinion. In other words, the user virtually points to the person who fits the question well. Smooth communication within the same group is very important. This is because it is very advantageous in forming rapport, which is related to unity. However, there is no popularized community for 'teens' who value the sense of belonging. "POINTER" enables teens to form good relationships with their friends and enhance engagement.
- Login to the service via KAKAO or APPLE login.

These are the rooms that users can enter. Users can create new room in this page.

There is a current question in this room. Below the screen is a list of people to vote for. User can choose one. Before clicking the 'point' button, write the hint about users so that we can guess who voted. then, click point button!

After voting, user can check the current state of the voting result.
you can check the hints of people who vote for you.
Users can recreate a new question each day. However, once all members have completed voting, they can register their questions.
User can invite their friends directly or via link. There is a button to make an invitation link. User can search for users in the search box and invite them.
Check and edit your profile from the menu below.
There are four kinds of reports.
- User
- Quesion
- Hint
- Chat
The user can report slendering contents to the administrator.
MinSeop Kwak
ChoMyeong Yang