A QBot based on Konata
Basic Commands | Description |
/help | Send the manual of this bot |
/ping | Check if this bot online |
/v module <on|off> <ModuleName> | Enable or Disable a Module.Just GroupOwner,BotAdmin and GroupAdmin are allowed to use this command |
/v module list | Check status of bot modules |
/v stat | Show some infomation of the bot |
/v clear immersion | Set ImmersionStatus to "null" that make bot reply commands as usual |
These commands aren't controlled by module manager,that means these commands can't be disabled.
Licensed in GNU AGPLv3
In addition, anyone should shout "Lowiro SillyB" before using this software
BotSettings is a file used to initialise bot's data directory and specify the bot administrator.
First copy this into a new file, replace 'D:\ServerData\Vanilla' to the path of your bot's data, replace 1848200159 to your QUin. Rename the file to "BotSettings" and put it in the same directory of VanillaForKonata.exe
You can also double click VanillaForKonata.exe , then stop this program and edit "BotSettings" in the same directory of VanillaForKonata.exe.
Double click VanillaForKonata.exe, and input your Bot's QUin and password.
Send '/ping' in a group. if bot reply you 'pong', congratulations, its basic function can work normally
What you should do is that find a picture with a resolution of 640*1136, put it into BotDataDirectory\Images\ThemeBack\Ver1, rename it to "Back_i.png"
You can add new theme by editing picturedrawer\Drawer.cs and create ThemeList in GlobalScope.cs
Before you starting edit your own manual, you must know what the manual looks like.You can download a demo and decompress the demo into your botdata directory.
In fact, we recommend that you edit Demo directly
If you dont have api and api key,delete this module.
If you dont know what Arcaea is,delete this module and shout "Lowiro SillyB".
Write your seemingly "coco.natsu.suki/botarcapi" API into "BOTDATA/Arcaea/API" (this is a file)
Write your User-Agent into "BOTDATA/Arcaea/user-agent" (this is a file)
If you didnt find these files,you should create it by yourself.
Now update your arcaea sources
Send "/v arc update" to bot in a group,waiting for downloading complete.
Decompress BOTDATA/Arcaea/Arcaea.zip/assets to BOTDATA/Arcaea/assets
Delete this module please
Bot have the ablity to send some pictures such as 龙图
Copy your fold filled with 龙图 into botdata/images, then send 龙图来
You can add something others by edit code and edit fold
Sometime bot may send voice record,you must do this to make it work normally Compile FFmpeg and put it into 'Botdata/bin/',rename it to ffmpeg.exe Compile libSilkCodec and copy it to the same directory of VanillaForKonata.exe Reboot the bot