This project created for Introduction to Engineering (IWG101), consists in the research and consequently development of an automated bicycle holder, this with the purpose of optimizing the saving process of a bicycle in the university.
- Django Framework (Backend)
- Bootstrap Library (Frontend)
- ESP32 C++/Arduino custom code.
- ESP32 Dev Kit 1, as microcontroller.
- RFID reader module (RC522).
- Red LED.
- Custom primary security system.
- Relay.
- Solenoid.
Each module will have a security system, wich will activate in cases such:
- Improper module handling.
- Energy outage.
- Robbery attempt.
Under this events, this system will become active, this prevents the unlocking of the solenoide, unless a designated manager solves the conflict or issue
- A series of modules will be available, each one in a parking site.
- All the modules will connect through WiFi, to a centralized server, which will be in charge of managing the authentication, permissions, registering, among others.
- The authentication will be made through the Unique ID of each keychain (provided to each user, per bicycle).
- Once authenticated (and server-side confirmed), the solenoid will contract for a few seconds, allowing the user to save the bicycle.
- It is necessary perform the authentication to either save or take out the bicycle, this with the objective to improve security and backup records.
- The LED will indicate through blinking, the status of the solenoid.