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Hera strives to simplify the process of integrating and remotely configuring 3rd party ads libraries in your project, here a list of the features it provides:


  • ✅ Remotely changing the ad unit id associated with a specific action.

  • 🚀 Changing the ads provider on the fly.

  • ⏰ Control the ads showing intervals remotly.

  • ⚙️ Showing ads based on a specific action.

Register Your App

First thing first, before you go further with the SDK integration, you need to register your app in the Hera panel and get the corresponding app ID.

The following document offers a quick guide on how to use this SDK.

Ad Networks

Hera supports Google Admob and Facebook Ads out of the box if you would like to integrate other ad networks please refer to their integration guide.


Once you are done with the app registration, you are ready to proceed with the SDK integration into your app.

Hera is available through CocoaPods only. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HeraSDK'



To initialize Hera you need to collect advertise attributions first. The advertise attribution is a simple dictionary of type [String: Codable]

here is an example of how it look like

["adjust": "{\"trackerToken\":\"xxx\",\"adid\":\"xxxxx\",\"trackerName\":\"Organic\",\"network\":\"Organic\"}"]


After preparing AddvertisementAttributions we can initialize HeraUserProperties like follows

let atrributions = ["adjust": "{\"trackerToken\":\"xxx\",\"adid\":\"xxxxx\",\"trackerName\":\"Organic\",\"network\":\"Organic\"}"]

let userProperties = HeraUserProperties(
	deviceID: "ABCDEG",
	country: "tr",
	language: "en-en",
	advertiseAttributions: atrributions,
	extraData: [:] // any extra data to be passed along in JSON format.

API Key and Environment

Get the app-specific api key. Hera supports both sandbox and production environments depending on whether you build your app for testing or production you must set the it accordingly.

Then we can initialize the SDK by calling:

var apiKey: String
var environment: HeraEnvironment

environment = .sandbox
apiKey = "YOUR_PROD_KEY"
environment = .production

Hera.shared.initialize(apiKey: apiKey, userProperties: userProperties, environment: environment)

Preparing Info.plist

  1. Whitelist Admost hosts to do so add the following to your Info.plist

2. (Optional) By the same token some ads content might need to access user's calendar so you may need calendar access permission

<string>Some ad content may access calendar</string>

3. You must add your AdMob App ID, and Facebook App ID to your plist file with as shown below. Otherwise the app will crash.


4. Ad Networks Identifiers

The following Ids are for Admob, Facebook Ads, Admost ads


5. Ads Tracking Permission(iOS +14.5 only)

iOS 14 Only: Starting with iOS 14, apps will be required to ask users for permission to access IDFA. In order to ask for this permission and display the App tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA, you will need to add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key to Info.plist file. Learn more about ATT here.

<string>A message to encourage user to give permission to access IDFA</string>

Then ask for the permissions using:

import  AppTrackingTransparency
import  AdSupport
// ...

if #available(iOS  14.5, *) {
	ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler: { status in

Hera follows the ATT framework, and uses ATT to retrieve the user’s authorization status.

CCPA Compliance

if the user subjects to CCPA rules i.e resides inside California you need to set it using:


It is defaulted to false


Once you are done with the integration of the Hera SDK it is time now to load and show some ads. Hera support different types of ads formats like interstail , banner , native and rewarded .

To show ads in your app please follow the following steps:

1. Make your view controller as A delegate

To listen for various Hera events, first import Hera then register for notifications by conforming to HeraDelegate and calling:

Hera.shared.observeEvents(on: self)

Please start observing in viewWillAppear method not viewDidLoad to make sure you always listen for event in the current visible view controller.

To remove the observer, you can use removeObserver method.

Hera.shared.removeObserver(from: self)

2. Loading and Showing Ads

To load ads call loadAd(ofType:action:). Please note that this method is async and it will trigger various events according to the load result. To see all the available events check Events section.

Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads provide full-screen experiences, commonly incorporating rich media to offer a higher level of interactivity than banner ads.

You can load interstitial ads by calling the following method:

Hera.shared.loadAd(ofType: .interstitial, for: "settings")

The load method will trigger various events according to the load result, you can use heraDidLoadAd(for action: String, adType: AdType) to check if the ad loaded successfully if so you can show it like follows.

self.showAd(ofType: .interstitial, for: adAction, on: yourViewController)

Please note that this method may trigger various events, according to the ad showing state, like didShowAd , didFailToShow , didDismissAd and so on.

Banner Ads

Banner ads usually appear at the top or bottom of your app’s screen. Adding one to your app takes just a few lines of code.

To load a banner ad all you need to do is just calling load method, again this method will trigger various events according to the load result.

Hera.shared.loadAd(ofType: .banner, for: "inAppSwipe")

If the load is successful you can show the banner but before trying to show it there are extra steps you need to do:

  1. Define a container view that will hold the banner.
  2. Give it the required constraints (The standard size of a banner is 320 x 50)
  3. Add to your super view(if you use layout in code)
  4. Then call show method like follows:
Hera.shared.showAd(ofType: .banner, for: adAction, on: bannerContainerView)

Please make sure that the banner container view is visible and has a valid frame before trying to call this method.

Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads are a great way to keep users engaged in your app while earning ad revenue. The reward generally comes in the form of in-game currency (gold, coins, power-ups, etc.) and is distributed to the user after a successful ad completion.

You can load rewarded ads by calling the following method:

Hera.shared.loadAd(ofType: .rewarded, for: "playerScreen")

Again, this load method will trigger various events according to the load result, it works almost the same way like interstitial ads so you can present it on any visible view controller like follows

Hera.shared.showAd(ofType: .rewarded, for: adAction, on: yourViewController)

When the user finishes watching the ad til the end heraDidRewardUser will be called so you can reward the user according to that.

Native Ads

Native ads let you monetize your app in a way that’s consistent with its existing design. Hera gives you access to an ad’s individual assets so you can design the ad layout to be consistent with the look and feel of your app.

Step1: Define Your Ad Layout
  1. Create or Use one of the custom XIBs to design your ad layout you can download it from here CustomXibs.

  2. Set the File Owner of your XIB to DefaultNativeRenderer

  3. Connect the IBOutlets If necessary.

Once you are done with the ad layout design you can load native ads by calling the following method:

let config = NativeAdConfig(
	nibName: "YOUR_XIB_NAME",
	size: nativeAdSize,
	indexPath: indexPath // optional to help you keep trackingon which cell you requested the ad.
Hera.shared.loadAd(ofType: .native(config: config), action: "nativeAction")

To get the loaded ad you can retrieve it from the config like follows:

   func heraDidLoadAd(for action: String, adType: AdType) {
		switch adType {
		case .native(let config):
			guard let adView = config.retrieveAdView() else { return }
			// show the ad


Hera may send different events, HeraDelegate includes a variety of optional callbacks that you can use to be notified of events, such as when an ad has successfully loaded, or when an ad is about to appear. Refer to the HeraDelegate for a list of these methods.

Updating User Status

You can update user properties by passing extraData dictionary to Hera.shared.updateUserStatus(extraData:)

Calling this method will fetch the configurations again and re-initialize Hera .


Hera uses Xcode console to show different messages, to enable logging pass HERA_DEBUG_ENABLED as an argument as follows:

Your_App_Schema > Run > Arguments > Arguments Passed On Launch


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 5.0+


Why the ad is not loaded?

  • There are many reasons for that, the ad requests may fail due to lack of inventory or connectivity issues. check the console log for more verbose info.


Hera is a mediation management library for iOS








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