A pipeline of ChIP-Seq raw data processing and downstream analysis
-h --help display the usage and exit.
-a --access necessary file containing SRR number or sample name to be operate. [e.g. accession.txt]
-d --dump transform sra to fastq by fastq-dump.
-f --fastp perform QC to sample by fastp with the default parameters,the sequencing type P/S must be provided.(Pair end and Single end) [e.g. P/S]
-c --cut specify two comma separated INT parameters to cutadapte for sample. [e.g. 15,0]
-b --bowtie2 use bowtie2 to map the clean data to the REFERENCE and transform to the bam file
-s --sort use samtools to sort the bam file
-p --picard use picard to remove duplicates
-r --remove remove unwanted reads using samtools
-D --deeptools use deeptools to get BigWiggle from sorted bam for drawing gene profile
-C --compare necessary file containing group name and two SRR number in each line. [e.g. comparison]
-P --peaks use macs2 to call peaks from filtered bam
-H --HOMER use HOMER to find Motifs and TFBS
-g --graph transform to bigWig Format for genome browser
-e --ceas use ceas to draw peak distribution
-v --version display version information and exit.\n"
sh ChIPseq_pipeline.sh -a accession.txt -d -f S -c 5,3 -b -s -p -r -D -C comparison.txt -P -H -g -e