- create virtual environment
virtualenv venv
- activate virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
- install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Follow the Karel tutorial on the Karel Reader!
First, ensure that StanfordKarel is correctly installed using pip.
Any .py
file can become a Karel program!
from karel.stanfordkarel import *
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Save the file and run:
python Q1_First_karel.py
Karel Commands | ||
move() |
right_is_clear() |
facing_east() |
turn_left() |
right_is_blocked() |
not_facing_east() |
put_beeper() |
beepers_present() |
facing_west() |
pick_beeper() |
no_beepers_present() |
not_facing_west() |
front_is_clear() |
beepers_in_bag() |
facing_south() |
front_is_blocked() |
no_beepers_in_bag() |
not_facing_south() |
left_is_clear() |
facing_north() |
paint_corner(color) |
left_is_blocked() |
not_facing_north() |
corner_color_is(color) |