released this
06 Mar 00:04
1500 commits
to master
since this release
- [Experimental] Details! now creates an actor for Sanguine Pool on Healing container showing the enemy healing done by the pool.
- Some issues with characters with similar names has been fixed.
- Added inline texts for custom scripts.
- Death logs after Forgeborne Reveries triggers are now ignored.
- The health amount in the death log of an enemy in Arena is fixed.
- Fixed interrupt by quaking affix being counted as a regular interrupt for the actor.
- Fixed lua errors at the beginning of an Arena match.
- Fixed lua errors while playing in battlegrounds.
- Removed deprecated BigWigs code.
- Added API actor:IsFriendlyNpc().
- Added API actor:GetNameNoRealm().
- Added API Details:GetUnknownClassIcon(), return texture, L, R, T, B.
- Fixed Total code and Percent code not exporting within the custom script.
- Fixed weird segment bug when swapping segments