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hmhc_app_inputs rstudio/renv#1129

Population module


  • Build a timeseries of population estimates for all areas (LADs, Countys, and ICBs), for years 2000 to 2023, by single year of age, for ages 0-100+.
  • Build a timeseries of population projections for all areas (LADs, Countys, and ICBs), for years 2018 to 2043, by single year of age, for ages 0-100+. Create a set of custom sub-national variant projections that mirror the complete set of national variant projections.

Data sources:

  • ONS mid-year population estimates (NOMIS)
  • ONS estimates of the very old and centenarians
  • ONS sub-national population projections 2018b
  • ONS national population projections 2018b
  • Geographic codelists and lookups (ONS Open Geography Portal)

Scripts: read_area_lookups read_icb_lookups helper_lookups

read_npp_2018b read_snpp_2018b read_pop_very_old read_pop_mye

build_mye build_custom_vars build_pop90 build_pop100

We use the distribution for ages 90-100+ for England to approximate the

distribution in local areas. The only place this is used is to determine the

length of bars in the population pyramid. For modeling, the upper age group is

90+, any higher and the variation in activity rates becomes excessive.

used as input to activity rates element in the app


used as input to the model

app_vars_all |>

pivot_wider(names_from = "year", values_from = "pop") |>

group_by(area_code, area_name) |>

group_walk((x, y) {

write_rds(x, here("data", "2022", y$area_code, "pop_dat.rds"))


Activity data inputs

Fetch activity data for the three main acute hospital settings (ED, APC and OPC) from SUS tables in NCDR. Aggregate data by sex, single year of age, local authority and point of delivery—POD groups are referred to as 'hsagrps'. Data is for a single calendar year, for patients aged 18+ resident in England. Upper age group is set to 90+.

areas and review plots ...


Population data inputs

Mid-year population estimates, national population projections (NPP) and sub-national population projections (SNPP) Also, life tables published alongside the NPP and estimates of the very old and centernarians

read_life_tables_2018b.r read_npp_2018b.r read_pop_mye.r read_snpp_2018b.r read_very_old.r

Other inputs

Administrative geographies change maintain list of local authority districts, ICBS, countys

read_geog_codes.r read_icb_lookup.r

Health Status adjustment inputs

data/split_normal_parameters.csv derived from notebook

90+ in pyramid

sub-national variants


  • for each hsagrp/sex in each area:
  • baseline and horizon
  • pick projection variant
  • Model the relationship between age and activity by sex, by 'hsagrp' in each area. Generalised additive models (GAMs) are created to smooth/generalise the relationship in baseline year - act rates
  • Health status adjusted ages derived from exercise for ages 55-90 so each combination of age/sex has a chroniclaoal age and a HSA age uncertainty associated with estimate of HSA which is generated from a distribution in horizon year - we run the model n times sampling a different value from distribution each time
  • gnerate new activity rate for hsa by using gams to predict or interpolating (immaterial for speed)
  • compare new predicted rate with basline rates (assumed to be from gam remove random fluctation might be good year predict bettter) ratio is taken as a multiplier
  • calculate demo multiplier - chnage in projected population
  • multipley hsa multiplier by demo multiplier then multiply activity in basleine to get estimate of activity in horizon year (x100 mdoel runs)
  • calcy % change in activity this is shown in app



sending to app 2 sets of files for all areas JSON format in single zipped data file assemble_activity_inputs.r assemble_pop_inputs.r assemble_model_inputs.r

Folder structure


hsa_factors.r hsa_helper_fns.r hsa_make_gams.r hsa_results.r hsa_review_gams.r

make_mye_series.r make_snpp_2018b_custom_vars.r make_snpp_series_age100.r make_snpp_series.r

renv dependencies

targets pipeline


Docs & scripts for assembling data input files used by








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