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FsLibLog is a single file you can copy paste or add through Paket Github dependencies to provide your F# library with a logging abstraction. This is a port of the C# LibLog.


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What is this?

FsLibLog is a single file you can copy paste or add through Paket Github dependencies to provide your F# library with a logging abstraction. This is a port of the C# LibLog.

Why does this exist?

When creating a library for .NET, you typically do not want to depend on a logging framework or abstraction. Depending on a logging framework forces your consumers to use that framework, which is not ideal. Depending on an abstraction can work but you can run into the diamond dependency problem. Since this is just a file you compile into your library, no dependency is taken and is transparent to your consumers.

Additionally, loggers aren't particularly friendly for F#, this sets out to resolve that.

How to get started

1. Put the file into your project

Option 1

Copy/paste FsLibLog.fs into your library.

Option 2

Read over Paket Github dependencies.

Add the following line to your paket.depedencies file.

github TheAngryByrd/FsLibLog src/FsLibLog/FsLibLog.fs

Then add the following line to projects with paket.references file you want FsLibLog to be available to.

File: FsLibLog.fs

2. Replace its namespace with yours

To alleviate potential naming conflicts, it's best to replace FsLibLog namespace with your own.

Here is an example with FAKE 5:

Target.create "Replace" <| fun _ ->
    [ "FsLibLog", "MyLib.Logging" ]
    (!! "paket-files/TheAngryByrd/FsLibLog/src/FsLibLog/FsLibLog.fs")

Using in your library

Open namespaces

open FsLibLog
open FsLibLog.Types

Get a logger

There are currently six ways to get a logger.

  • getCurrentLogger - Deprecated because inferring the correct StackFrame is too difficult. Creates a logger. It's name is based on the current StackFrame.
  • getLoggerByFunc - Creates a logger based on Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod call. This is only useful for calls within functions.
  • getLoggerByQuotation - Creates a logger given a Quotations.Expr type. This is only useful for module level declarations.
  • getLoggerFor - Creates a logger given a 'a type.
  • getLoggerByType - Creates a logger given a Type.
  • getLoggerByName - Creates a logger given a string.

Fable libraries can only use the following:

  • getLoggerByType
  • getLoggerByName
  • getLoggerFor

The other functions rely reflection and thus are only available when compiling on dotnet.

Set the loglevel, message, exception and parameters

Choose a LogLevel. (Fatal|Error|Warn|Info|Debug|Trace).

There are helper methods on the logger instance, such as logger.warn.

These helper functions take a (Log -> Log) which allows you to amend the log record easily with functions in the Log module. You can use function composition to set the fields much easier.

    Log.setMessage "{name} Was said hello to"
    >> Log.addParameter name

The set of functions to augment the Log record are

  • Log.setMessage - Amends a Log with a message
  • Log.setMessageIntepolated - Ammends Log with a message. Using the syntax of {variableName:loggerName} it will automatically convert an intermpolated string into a proper message template.
  • Log.setMessageThunk - Amends a Log with a message thunk. Useful for "expensive" string construction scenarios.
  • Log.addParameter - Amends a Log with a parameter.
  • Log.addParameters - Amends a Log with a list of parameters.
  • Log.addContext - Amends a Log with additional named parameters for context. This helper adds more context to a log. This DOES NOT affect the parameters set for a message template. This is the same calling OpenMappedContext right before logging.
  • Log.addContextDestructured - Amends a Log with additional named parameters for context. This helper adds more context to a log. This DOES NOT affect the parameters set for a message template. This is the same calling OpenMappedContext right before logging. This destructures an object rather than calling ToString() on it. WARNING: Destructring can be expensive
  • Log.addException - Amends a Log with an exception.

Full Example

namespace SomeLib
open FsLibLog
open FsLibLog.Types
open FsLibLog.Operators

module Say =
    let logger = LogProvider.getCurrentLogger()

    type AdditionalData = {
        Name : string

    // Example Log Output:
    // 16:23 [Information] <SomeLib.Say> () "Captain" Was said hello to - {"UserContext": {"Name": "User123", "$type": "AdditionalData"}, "FunctionName": "hello"}
    let hello name  =
        // Starts the log out as an Informational log
            Log.setMessage "{name} Was said hello to"
            // MessageTemplates require the order of parameters to be consistent with the tokens to replace
            >> Log.addParameter name
            // This adds additional context to the log, it is not part of the message template
            // This is useful for things like MachineName, ProcessId, ThreadId, or anything that doesn't easily fit within a MessageTemplate
            // This is the same as calling `LogProvider.openMappedContext` right before logging.
            >> Log.addContext "FunctionName" "hello"
            // This is the same as calling `LogProvider.openMappedContextDestucturable`  right before logging.
            >> Log.addContextDestructured "UserContext"  {Name = "User123"}
        sprintf "hello %s." name

    // Example Log Output:
    // 16:23 [Debug] <SomeLib.Say> () In nested - {"DestructureTrue": {"Name": "Additional", "$type": "AdditionalData"}, "DestructureFalse": "{Name = \"Additional\";}", "Value": "bar"}
    // [Information] <SomeLib.Say> () "Commander" Was said hello to - {"UserContext": {"Name": "User123", "$type": "AdditionalData"}, "FunctionName": "hello", "DestructureTrue": {"Name": "Additional", "$type": "AdditionalData"}, "DestructureFalse": "{Name = \"Additional\";}", "Value": "bar"}
    let nestedHello name =
        // This sets additional context to any log within scope
        // This is useful if you want to add this to all logs within this given scope
        use x = LogProvider.openMappedContext "Value" "bar"
        // This doesn't destructure the record and calls ToString on it
        use x = LogProvider.openMappedContext "DestructureFalse" {Name = "Additional"}
        // This does destructure the record,  Destructuring can be expensive depending on how big the object is.
        use x = LogProvider.openMappedContextDestucturable "DestructureTrue" {Name = "Additional"} true

            Log.setMessage "In nested"
        // The log in `hello` should also have these additional contexts added
        hello name

    // Example Log Output:
    // 16:23 [Error] <SomeLib.Say> () "DaiMon" was rejected. - {}
    // System.Exception: Sorry DaiMon isnt valid
    //    at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThenFail@1647.Invoke(String message)
    //    at name) in /Users/jimmybyrd/Documents/GitHub/FsLibLog/examples/SomeLib/Library.fs:line 57
    let fail name =
            failwithf "Sorry %s isnt valid" name
        with e ->
            // Starts the log out as an Error log
                Log.setMessage "{name} was rejected."
                // MessageTemplates require the order of parameters to be consistent with the tokens to replace
                >> Log.addParameter name
                // Adds an exception to the log
                >> Log.addException  e

    // Example Log Output:
    // 2021-09-15T20:34:14.9060810-04:00 [Information] <SomeLib.Say> () The user {"Name": "Ensign Kim", "$type": "AdditionalData"} has requested a reservation date of "2021-09-16T00:34:14.8853360+00:00"
    let interpolated (person : AdditionalData) (reservationDate : DateTimeOffset) =
        // Starts the log out as an Info log
            // Generates a message template via a specific string intepolation syntax.
            // Add the name of the property after the expression
            // for example: "person" will be logged as "User" and "reservationDate" as "ReservationDate"
            Log.setMessageI $"The user {person:User} has requested a reservation date of {reservationDate:ReservationDate} "

    // Has the same logging output as `hello`, above, but uses the Operators module.
    let helloWithOperators name =
        // Initiate a log with a message
        !!! "{name} Was said hello to"
        // Add a parameter
        >>! name
        // Adds a value, but does not destructure it.
        >>!- ("FunctionName", "operators")
        // Adds a value & destructures it.
        >>!+ ("UserContext", {Name = "User123"})
        // Logs at the Info level.
        sprintf "hello %s." name

Log Providers

Providers are the actual logging framework that sends the logs to some destination (console, file, logging service). FsLibLog uses reflection to inspect the running application and wire these up telling FsLibLog to do it.

Currently supported provider

Setting up Serilog

  1. Install Serilog

  2. Install Serilog.Sinks.ColoredConsole (or any other Sink)

  3. Create your Logger

        let log =
                .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate= "{Timestamp:o} [{Level}] <{SourceContext}> ({Name:l}) {Message:j} - {Properties:j}{NewLine}{Exception}")
        Log.Logger <- log
  4. FsLibLog will pick up Serilog automatically, no need to tell FsLibLog about it

Setting up Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

  1. Install Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

  2. Install Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console (or any other Provider)

  3. Create your ILoggerFactory

    let microsoftLoggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(fun builder ->
                .AddSimpleConsole(fun opts -> opts.IncludeScopes <-true)
                // .AddJsonConsole(fun opts -> opts.IncludeScopes <- true)
            |> ignore
  4. Tell FsLibLog to use this factory

    FsLibLog.Providers.MicrosoftExtensionsLoggingProvider.setMicrosoftLoggerFactory microsoftLoggerFactory
    1. One downside to this is you need to do this for every library your application consumes that uses FsLiblog.

Custom Providers

You can implement and teach FsLibLog about your own custom provider if one is not listed. You have to do 2 things:

  1. You have to implement the ILogProvider interface. Example Implemenation
  2. You have to tell FsLibLog to use it. Example calling FsLibLog.LogProvider.setLoggerProvider
    1. One downside to this is you need to do this for every library your application consumes that uses FsLiblog.

Using the Example JsConsoleProvider

This can look something like JsConsoleProvider, with simple & direct logging to console. Other log providers, such as one to ship front-end logs to a back-end service, are left as an exercise for the reader.

Option 1

Copy/paste JsConsoleProvider.fs into your library.

Option 2

Read over Paket Github dependencies.

Add the following line to your paket.depedencies file.

github TheAngryByrd/FsLibLog examples/JsConsoleProvider.JsConsoleProvider.fs

Then add the following line to projects with paket.references file you want the console provider to be available to.

File: JsConsoleProvider.fs

Register the Log Provider

Note that the log provider must be registered manually in a Fable application, like so:

LogProvider.setLoggerProvider <| JsConsoleProvider.create()

From there, the logger can be used as normal.

String Interpolation

This allows for string interpolation with a special syntax to be convertable to Message Templates used in underlying providers (such as Serilog).

Typically when one uses string interpolation it works as such:

let favoriteCartoon = "Captain Planet"
let dayItsOn = "Saturday"
printfn $"My favorite cartoon is {favoriteCartoon} and airs on {dayItsOn}"

F# compiler will create a FormattableString where it's Format property looks like My favorite cartoon is {0} and airs on {1} and the GetArguments() are [| "Captain Planet"; "Saturday" |]. As you can see, FormattableString doesn't have the named parameters that Message Templates would want. To make this work the way we want we need to introduce a specific syntax.

let favoriteCartoon = "Captain Planet"
let dayItsOn = "Saturday"
printfn $"My favorite cartoon is {favoriteCartoon:CartoonShow} and airs on {dayItsOn:DayAired}"

setMessageInterpolated will make the template look like My favorite cartoon is {CartoonShow} and airs on {DayAired}. This will replace the number arguments with the names after the colon within the interpolated string. This makes a usable message template.

  • Why aren't we just trying to get the name of the variable/value? Needing to specify dedicate names is a good thing since refactoring your variable names can have drastic effects on your logging queries. Explicit naming separates these concerns.


GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions
Build History


Make sure the following requirements are installed in your system:

> build.cmd // on windows
$ ./  // on unix

Environment Variables

  • CONFIGURATION will set the configuration of the dotnet commands. If not set it will default to Release.
    • CONFIGURATION=Debug ./ will result in things like dotnet build -c Debug
  • GITHUB_TOKEN will be used to upload release notes and nuget packages to github.
    • Be sure to set this before releasing

Watch Tests

The WatchTests target will use dotnet-watch to watch for changes in your lib or tests and re-run your tests on all TargetFrameworks

./ WatchTests


git add .
git commit -m "Scaffold"
git remote add origin origin
git push -u origin master
paket config add-token "" 4003d786-cc37-4004-bfdf-c4f3e8ef9b3a
  • Create a GitHub OAuth Token

    • You can then set the GITHUB_TOKEN to upload release notes and artifacts to github
    • Otherwise it will fallback to username/password
  • Then update the with a new version, date, and release notes ReleaseNotesHelper

#### 0.2.0 - 2017-04-20
* FEATURE: Does cool stuff!
* BUGFIX: Fixes that silly oversight
  • You can then use the Release target. This will:
    • make a commit bumping the version: Bump version to 0.2.0 and add the release notes to the commit
    • publish the package to nuget
    • push a git tag
./ Release

Code formatting

To format code run the following target

./ FormatCode

This uses Fantomas to do code formatting. Please report code formatting bugs to that repository.


FsLibLog is a single file you can copy paste or add through Paket Github dependencies to provide your F# library with a logging abstraction. This is a port of the C# LibLog.







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