Deploy instructions of the project
You must setup Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes and Minikube (optional).
There are different deploy options. All assume that all repositories of the project are downloaded in the same directory level and their name have not changed.
To deploy it, execute the following commands:
$ docker-compose -f "ChatDeploy/docker-compose-local-without-backend.yml" up --build
$ # Execute this in a second terminal
$ cd ../ChatBackendAPI
$ ./gradlew bootRun
You can stop them with Ctrl-C.
After stop it, execute the following commands:
$ docker image prune
$ docker volume prune
To deploy it, execute the following command:
$ docker-compose -f "ChatDeploy/docker-compose-local.yml" up --build
You can stop it with Ctrl-C.
After stop it, execute the following commands:
$ docker image prune
$ docker volume prune
To deploy it, execute the following commands (It is assumed that Minikube is already running):
# Build all images
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml build
# Tag all images
$ docker tag prometheus
$ docker tag backend-api
$ docker tag encryption
$ docker tag rabbitmq:latest
$ docker tag grafana:latest
$ docker tag postgres:12.2
$ docker tag mongo:4.2.5
# Deploy all images
$ cd kubernetes_deploy
$ kubectl apply -f backend-api-deployment.yaml,mongodb-database-service.yaml,backend-api-service.yaml,backend-api-service-load-balancer.yaml,postgresql-database-deployment.yaml,postgresql-database-service.yaml,encryption-deployment.yaml,prometheus-metrics-deployment.yaml,encryption-service.yaml,prometheus-metrics-service.yaml,grafana-dashboard-deployment.yaml,rabbitmq-broker-deployment.yaml,grafana-dashboard-service.yaml,rabbitmq-broker-service.yaml,mongodb-database-deployment.yaml,grafana-dashboard-load-balancer-service.yaml
In order to check if the services are available, use the following commands:
$ kubectl get service grafana-dashboard-load-balancer --watch
$ kubectl get service backend-api-service-load-balancer --watch
To stop it, execute the following commands:
$ kubectl delete deployments --all
$ kubectl delete services --all
First of all, you have to create the images and tag them with the following commands:
# Build all images
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml build
# Tag all images
$ docker tag prometheus
$ docker tag backend-api
$ docker tag encryption
$ docker tag rabbitmq:latest
$ docker tag grafana:latest
$ docker tag postgres:12.2
$ docker tag mongo:4.2.5
Secondly, you have to create the Azure resources. To do that, execute the following commands (It is assumed that you are already logged in with Azure CLI):
# Create resource group called thechatthatrocks_dev in East US
$ az group create --name thechatthatrocks_dev --location eastus
# Create a container image register with name thechatthatrocksacr and Basic plan
$ az acr create --resource-group thechatthatrocks_dev --name thechatthatrocksacr --sku Basic
# Obtain the container image register name. From now on, I assume that it is called
$ az acr list --resource-group thechatthatrocks_dev --query "[].{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" --output table
# Create Kubernetes cluster with 2 nodes
$ az aks create --resource-group thechatthatrocks_dev --name thechatthatrocksackclusterdev --node-count 2 --attach-acr thechatthatrocksacr --enable-managed-identity
# Obtain cluster credentials
$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group thechatthatrocks_dev --name thechatthatrocksackclusterdev
Next, you have to upload the images to the container image register executing the following commands:
# Login acr
$ az acr login --name thechatthatrocksacr
# Push all mages
$ docker push
$ docker push
$ docker push
$ docker push
$ docker push
$ docker push
$ docker push
# Check if images have been uploaded
$ az acr repository list --name thechatthatrocksacr --output table
Finally, you can deploy your images using the following command:
# Deploy all images
$ cd kubernetes_deploy
$ kubectl apply -f backend-api-deployment.yaml,mongodb-database-service.yaml,backend-api-service.yaml,backend-api-service-load-balancer.yaml,postgresql-database-deployment.yaml,postgresql-database-service.yaml,encryption-deployment.yaml,prometheus-metrics-deployment.yaml,encryption-service.yaml,prometheus-metrics-service.yaml,grafana-dashboard-deployment.yaml,rabbitmq-broker-deployment.yaml,grafana-dashboard-service.yaml,rabbitmq-broker-service.yaml,mongodb-database-deployment.yaml,grafana-dashboard-load-balancer-service.yaml
In order to check if the services are available, use the following commands (there you can obtain the IP address of them):
$ kubectl get service grafana-dashboard-load-balancer --watch
$ kubectl get service backend-api-service-load-balancer --watch
To stop it, execute the following commands:
$ kubectl delete deployments --all
$ kubectl delete services --all
If you want to delete all Azure resources execute the following commands:
$ az group delete --name thechatthatrocks_dev --yes
$ az group delete --name NetworkWatcherRG --yes