Raft Consensus Implementation in Rust
rust-raft is a high performance, asynchronous rust implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol.
Raft is a consensus algorithm designed for distributed systems. It draws inspiration from the complexity of the Paxos consensus algorithm but aims to be more straightforward and intuitive. Raft is tailored to address non-Byzantine fault tolerance issues.
Replicated State Machine and Logs: The Rust Raft implementation is designed to replicate a state machine (FSM) across multiple nodes, leveraging the powerful capabilities of Sled(https://github.com/spacejam/sled) for stable and log storage. Sled is a modern, high-performance embedded database library for Rust. This implementation ensures that logs containing a sequence of operations remain consistent across the entire distributed system.
sequenceDiagram participant Client participant Leader participant Follower1 participant Follower2 Client->>Leader: Client Request Note over Leader: Process and add to log Leader->>Follower1: AppendEntries Note over Follower1: Check term, log consistency Follower1->>Leader: Success (or Failure) Leader->>Follower2: AppendEntries Note over Follower2: Check term, log consistency Follower2->>Leader: Success (or Failure) Note over Leader: If replication quorum size is met, update commit index.
Uses Channels for Communicating with the RaftNodeServer: The channel functions as an API layer for interacting with the RaftNodeServer, whether it's functioning as a leader or follower. It provides a structured way for components to communicate, facilitating seamless interaction and coordination within the Raft implementation
gRPC Communication Support for Nodes: The Raft nodes leverage gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) for communication. This choice of communication framework provides a robust and efficient layer for nodes within the cluster to exchange messages and execute remote procedures, a critical aspect of implementing the Raft protocol.
Supports Single-Server Cluster Membership Changes and Leadership Transfer: The Raft implementation boasts the capability to dynamically handle changes in cluster membership. This includes scenarios such as adding or removing nodes from the cluster. Additionally, the system supports leadership transfer, allowing a node to gracefully hand over leadership to another node when necessary.
Basic K-V Distributed Database in
for Executing Multiple Write-Requests on the Leader: As a practical example, the project includes a basic Key-Value distributed database located in the/examples
directory. This database serves to showcase the Raft implementation's ability to execute multiple write requests concurrently on the Raft leader node. This demonstration emphasizes the practical application of Raft, highlighting its capacity to handle concurrent writes, maintain consistency, and ensure data integrity across the distributed system.
- Leader Election
- Log Replication
- Cluster Membership Changes
- Snapshotting / Log Compaction
Examples can be found in [examples
use log::{info, error};
use rust_raft::{
RaftNodeServer, log::{LogEntry, LogEntryType},
RaftTransportRequest, RaftTransportResponse, RaftGrpcTransportServer,
}, config::Config, node::Node, datastore::{RaftSledLogStore, RaftSledKVStore}, RaftNodeServerMessage, error::RaftError, configuration, RaftCore
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
struct FSM {}
impl FSM {
fn new() -> FSM {
FSM {}
impl rust_raft::fsm::FSM for FSM {
async fn apply(&mut self, log_entry: &LogEntry) -> Box<dyn std::any::Any> {
///.....do something
info!("{:?}", log_entry);
async fn main() {
let server_id = "node-aws-0".to_string();
let cfg = Config::build().server_id(server_id).validate().unwrap();
let peer_addresses: Vec<&str> = vec!["", "", ""];
let mut nodes: Vec<Arc<Node>> = vec![];
for (index, address) in peer_addresses.iter().enumerate() {
nodes.push(Arc::new(Node {
id: format!("node-aws-{}", index),
address: address.to_string(),
node_type: rust_raft::node::NodeType::Voter,
let fsm: FSM = FSM::new();
let logs = RaftSledLogStore::new(&format!("./tmp/db_{}/logs", server_id.to_string())).unwrap();
let stable = RaftSledKVStore::new(&format!("./tmp/db_{}/stable", server_id.to_string())).unwrap();
let (send, recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<(RaftNodeServerMessage, mpsc::Sender<Result<(), RaftError>>)>();
let mut raft_node: RaftNodeServer = RaftNodeServer::new(
// Start Raft node
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/TheDhejavu/rust-raft
Run server commmands
Node 0(5000)
cargo run --example rust-raft start --addr= --peers=,, --id=node-aws-0 --http-port=9090
Node 1(5001)
cargo run --example rust-raft start --addr= --peers=,, --id=node-aws-1 --http-port=8080
Node 2(5002)
cargo run --example rust-raft start --addr= --peers=,, --id=node-aws-2 --http-port=7070
- CONSENSUS: BRIDGING THEORY AND PRACTICE [https://web.stanford.edu/~ouster/cgi-bin/papers/OngaroPhD.pdf]
- In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm [https://raft.github.io/raft.pdf]
- Hashicorp Raft [https://github.com/hashicorp/raft]
Feel free to explore and contribute to this Raft implementation in Rust. For more details on Raft, refer to the official Raft website.