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added sam-to-align converter to support other aligners
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cheehongsg committed Jul 17, 2018
1 parent 250e88b commit 34b85ac
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Showing 2 changed files with 301 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
use callSV;
use xlsToVCF;
use PBSCluster;
use samToAlign;

my $G_USAGE = "
$0 <command> -h
Expand All @@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
selectRep : select representative alignments for read
callSV : call structural variants
xls2vcf : convert Picky sv xls file to vcf
sam2align : convert sam to align format
preparepbs: chunk last fastq file and write pbs script for cluster submission
script : write a bash-script for single fastq processing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +71,8 @@
printf "-C2 -K2 -r1 -q3 -a2 -b1 -v -Q1"; #"-P<threads>"
} elsif ('xls2vcf' eq $command) {
} elsif ('sam2align' eq $command) {
} elsif ('preparepbs' eq $command) {
} elsif ('script' eq $command) {
Expand Down
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
# Jackson Laboratory Non-Commercial License
# See the LICENSE file (LICENSE.txt) for license rights and limitations
# Picky - Structural Variants Pipeline for long read
# Repository:
# Documentation:
# Created Feb 16, 2018
# Copyright (c) 2018 Chee-Hong WONG
# Genome Technologies
# The Jackson Laboratory

package samToAlign;

$VERSION = '0.1';

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw(runSamToAlign);

use utilities;

#my $G_SAM_CIGAR = 0;
my $G_SAM_CIGAR = 1;
my @G_SAM_ReportCols = ('score', 'EG2', 'E', '=', '%=', 'X', '%X', 'D', '%D', 'I', '%I', 'qStart', 'qEnd', 'qStrand', 'qALen', 'q%', 'refId', 'refStart', 'refEnd', 'refStrand', 'refALen', 'cigar');

sub runSamToAlign {
# convert .sam to .align format for Picky
my $startTime = time;

# we omit the headers ; no .sam output in callSV if we already have .sam file as input
# thus, we are just processing .sam record; but need to be name sorted
my $seenHeader = 0;
my $sortedByName = 1;
my $line = undef;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
if ($line =~ /^\@/) {
$seenHeader = 1;
if ($line =~/^\@HD\t/) {
if ($line =~/\tSO:queryname/i) {
$sortedByName = 1;
} else {
$sortedByName = 0;
} else {
die "# ERROR: You sam file has no header line(s). Consider: samtools view -h\n" if (0==$seenHeader);
die "# ERROR: You sam file is not sorted by queryname. Consider: samtools sort -n\n" if (0==$sortedByName);

my $rowCount = 0; my $readCount = 0; my $block = 1000; my $triggerBlock = $block;
printf STDERR "%s Processing sam-->align..", utilities::getTimeStamp();

my $prevReadId = '';
my @records = ();
while ($line) {
my @bits = split(/\t/, $line);
if ('' eq $prevReadId || $bits[0] ne $prevReadId) {
if ('' ne $prevReadId) {
# transform collection to .align format

@records = ();
$prevReadId = $bits[0];

if ($readCount>=$triggerBlock) {

printf STDERR " %0.3fM(%0.3fM rows)..", $readCount/1e6, $rowCount/1e6;
# correct all sam records of the same read id
push @records, $line;

$line = <STDIN>;

# process the last buffered read
if ('' ne $prevReadId) {
# transform collection to .align format

printf STDERR " %0.3fM(%0.3fM rows).. done.", $readCount/1e6, $rowCount/1e6;

my $totalTime = time - $startTime;
printf STDERR "%s Total run time = %d secs\n", utilities::getTimeStamp(), $totalTime;

sub _writeAlign {
my ($recsRef) = @_;

my $numOfRecords = scalar(@{$recsRef});
return if (0==$numOfRecords);

## 2214 MinION3_20161013_FNFAB42260_MN20093_sequencing_run_Chip98_Genomic_R9_4_480bps_17755_ch271_read1365_strand1.fast5 {!!!} align(10,0) seed(0) nonseed(0)
## score EG2 E = %= X %X D %D I %I qStart qEnd qStrand qALen q% refId refStart refEnd refStrand refALen cigar

## 1035 llssbzms2p35x_20161128_FNFAB45271_MN17073_sequencing_run_Hu_Bir_R94_1Dlig_fc5_92573_ch84_read182_strand.fast5 (1) align(47,1) seed(1) nonseed(0)
## score EG2 E = %= X %X D %D I %I qStart qEnd qStrand qALen q% refId refStart refEnd refStrand refALen cigar
#S55 7.3e-15 4e-20 95 85.59 4 3.60 9 8.11 3 2.70 835 937 + 102 9.86 chr8 26406193 26406301 + 108 835S6=1I2=1I15=1X3=1X6=2D16=3D1=2D2=1X6=1X14=1I12=1D8=1D4=98S

## 3064 MinION2_20161013_FNFAB42706_MN16454_sequencing_run_Chip99_Genomic_R9_4_480bps_44361_ch254_read57_strand1.fast5 (X) align(36,6) seed(0) nonseed(0)
## score EG2 E = %= X %X D %D I %I qStart qEnd qStrand qALen q% refId refStart refEnd refStrand refALen cigar
#### NO candidate left

## 2965 LomanLabz_PC_20161128_FNFAF01253_MN17024_sequencing_run_20161128_Human_Qiagen_1D_R9_4_50330_ch84_read1083_strand.fast5 [ ] align(67,65) seed(1) nonseed(11)
## score EG2 E = %= X %X D %D I %I qStart qEnd qStrand qALen q% refId refStart refEnd refStrand refALen cigar
#### candidate#1/2
# :
#### candidate#2/2
# :

# there is no selection here as the aligner has taken care of it
# thus, there is either a representative alignment or there isn't

my @bits = split(/\t/, $recsRef->[0]);
return if (4==($bits[1]&4)); # unmapped

# print header
my $readLength = 0; # NOT used, but informative for checking
$readLength = _computeReadLength ($bits[5]);
my $readId = $bits[0];
print '# ', $readLength, "\t", $readId, "\n"; # we omit the optional 3rd-6th cells

# print columns header
print '# ', join("\t", @G_SAM_ReportCols), "\n";

# print alignemtns
# TODO: just write a lot of '.' for values and see what are mandatory
# [ ] score (opt)
# [ ] EG2 (opt)
# [ ] E (opt)
# [ ] = (opt)
# [ ] %= (opt)
# [ ] X (opt)
# [ ] %X (opt)
# [ ] D (opt)
# [ ] %D (opt)
# [ ] I (opt)
# [ ] %I (opt)
# [X] qStart (TODO: need to compute)
# [X] qEnd (TODO: need to compute)
# [X] qStrand (fixed:+)
# [ ] qALen (opt; sam)
# [ ] q% (opt)
# [X] refId (col2)
# [X] refStart (col3)
# [X] refEnd (TODO: need to compute)
# [X] refStrand (col1)
# [ ] refALen (opt; sam)
# [ ] cigar (opt; sam)
if (1==$numOfRecords) {
# no candidate block for single-fragment
foreach my $line (@{$recsRef}) {
@bits = split(/\t/, $line);
my %item = ();
grep { $item{$_} = '.'; } @G_SAM_ReportCols;

# fill up the mandatory information
$item{qStrand} = '+';
$item{refId} = $bits[2];
$item{refStrand} = (16==(16&$bits[1])) ? '-' : '+';
my $qStart = 0;
my $qEnd = 0;
my $refStart = int($bits[3]); #POS is 1-based
my $refEnd = 0;
($qStart, $qEnd, $refStart, $refEnd) = _computeCoordinates($item{refStrand}, $bits[5], $refStart);
$item{qStart} = $qStart;
$item{qEnd} = $qEnd;
$item{refStart} = $refStart;
$item{refEnd} = $refEnd;

$item{cigar} = $bits[5] if (0!=$G_SAM_CIGAR);

# report
my @cols = ();
grep { push @cols, $item{$_}; } @G_SAM_ReportCols;
print join("\t", @cols), "\n";
print "\n";
} else {
print '### candidate#1/1', "\n";
foreach my $line (@{$recsRef}) {
@bits = split(/\t/, $line);
my %item = ();
grep { $item{$_} = '.'; } @G_SAM_ReportCols;

# fill up the mandatory information
$item{qStrand} = '+';
$item{refId} = $bits[2];
$item{refStrand} = (16==(16&$bits[1])) ? '-' : '+';
my $qStart = 0;
my $qEnd = 0;
my $refStart = int($bits[3]); #POS is 1-based
my $refEnd = 0;
($qStart, $qEnd, $refStart, $refEnd) = _computeCoordinates($item{refStrand}, $bits[5], $refStart);
$item{qStart} = $qStart;
$item{qEnd} = $qEnd;
$item{refStart} = $refStart;
$item{refEnd} = $refEnd;

$item{cigar} = $bits[5] if (0!=$G_SAM_CIGAR);

# report
my @cols = ();
grep { push @cols, $item{$_}; } @G_SAM_ReportCols;
print join("\t", @cols), "\n";
print "\n";

sub _computeCoordinates {
my ($refStrand, $cigar, $refStart) = @_;
my ($cqStart, $cqEnd, $crefStart, $crefEnd) = (0, 0, $refStart-1, $refStart-1); # 0-based

my @cigarBits = split(/([MIDNSHP=X])/, $cigar);
my $numberOfCigarBits = scalar(@cigarBits);
my @cigarOps = ();
for(my $i=1; $i<$numberOfCigarBits; $i+=2) {
push @cigarOps, {ops=>$cigarBits[$i], bases=>$cigarBits[$i-1]};
@cigarBits = ();
@cigarOps = reverse @cigarOps if ('-' eq $refStrand);
my $numberOfCigarOps = scalar(@cigarOps);
if ($numberOfCigarOps>=0) {
my $startIdx = 0;
if ('S' eq $cigarOps[0]->{ops} || 'H' eq $cigarOps[0]->{ops}) {
$cqStart += int($cigarOps[0]->{bases}); # 0-based
$cqEnd += int($cigarOps[0]->{bases}); # 0-based
$startIdx = 1;
for(my $i=$startIdx; $i<$numberOfCigarOps; ++$i) {
if ('M' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops} || '=' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops} || 'X' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops}) {
# increase query, and reference
$cqEnd += int($cigarOps[$i]->{bases});
$crefEnd += int($cigarOps[$i]->{bases});
} elsif ('I' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops}) {
# increase query
$cqEnd += int($cigarOps[$i]->{bases});
} elsif ('D' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops} || 'N' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops}) {
# increase reference
$crefEnd += int($cigarOps[$i]->{bases});
} elsif ('S' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops} || 'H' eq $cigarOps[$i]->{ops}) {
# should only happen at the end of cigar!!
# TODO: bait if this is not the case!
die "CIGAR op=$cigarOps[$i]->{ops} is only allowed at start and end, but found at $i\n" if ($i!=($numberOfCigarOps-1));

return ($cqStart, $cqEnd, $crefStart, $crefEnd); # return 0-based start, 0-based end

sub _computeReadLength {
my ($cigar) = @_;

# read length does not need to consider the reference strand
my $readLength = 0;
my @cigarBits = split(/([MIDNSHP=X])/, $cigar);
my $numberOfCigarBits = scalar(@cigarBits);
if ($numberOfCigarBits>2) {
for(my $i=1; $i<$numberOfCigarBits; $i+=2) {
if ('M' eq $cigarBits[$i] || '=' eq $cigarBits[$i] || 'X' eq $cigarBits[$i]) {
$readLength += int($cigarBits[$i-1]);
} elsif ('I' eq $cigarBits[$i]) {
$readLength += int($cigarBits[$i-1]);
} elsif ('D' eq $cigarBits[$i] || 'N' eq $cigarBits[$i]) {
# do nothing
} elsif ('S' eq $cigarBits[$i] || 'H' eq $cigarBits[$i]) {
$readLength += int($cigarBits[$i-1]);

return $readLength;

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