German Let's Code for the whole project:
This is the Battle of AIs source code. It's a REST-Service and as modern as I managed. Feel free to improve and help whereever you want.
Currently supported:
- CoRe, Computer Reversi. Visit for more
- More coming soon.
Tech used here (and in the let's code:
- Python 3 - Programming Language, easy as eating pie
- Python Flask - Python Lib for creating Web Apps
- Flask Restplus - Python Lib for Flask for creating RESTful Web Services
- SQLAlchemy - Easy OOP databases for Flask
- [HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery] - For Frontend
See the subfolders of the projects
- Moar Tests! srsly, have to do this.
- Moar Games = More Fun
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
- youreMine#7869 (Discord): Python API Wrapper