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ThePix edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 12 revisions

Github tracks changes, and sometimes these are made more than once a day. For the most up-to-date version, your best bet is to clone the repository, and delete all the extraneous files. Usually - but not always - changes are uploaded only once the unit tests all pass.

This version history logs the version of the zipped file, which is updated rather less regularly, and only when I am reasonably confident that it works.

QuestJS is also version 6 of Quest, however it is also vital that the version is tracked within that. I have taken the decision to track versions from 0.1, as this better reflects the pre-release state than version 6.0. The first release is therefore Quest 6 version 0.1.

Version Date Comments
0.1 09/Oct/20 First version of the .zip file
0.2 09/Nov/20 Second version, prompted by Windows corrupting the 0.1, and Github uploading that. Added support for both node maps and image maps, changing the POV, sounds.
0.3 29/Nov/20 Date and time improved. Icons improved. READABLE added.
0.4 12/Dec/20 The big changes in 0.4 were done by other people. KV added support for object links, and DakinQuelia very much improved the look-and-feel. In addition: All assets are now in an assets folder. Several bugs, mostly involving lang sorted. AGAIN and OOPS added.
0.5 01/Jan/21 Mostly bugs fixes and some re-organising files; the main file is now index.html. At this point I consider QuestJS to have all the major features.
0.6 04/Mar/21 More bug fixes, especially relating to save/load
0.7 14/Apr/21 Now includes index.html (forgotten in 0.6!)
0.8 07/Jul/21 This turned out to be a pretty big update. Besides more bug fixes numerous functions have been renamed and/or had parameters rearranged, towards a more consistent API - see here.
0.9 26/Sep/21 Transcripts redone; a lot of stuff for RPG done; createPaneBox replaced by createAdditionalPane; CONSTRUCTION and ROOM_SET templates added; jQuery removed; parser refactored to allow better GIVE command
1.0 05/Apr/22 Full release! Motivated by a lack of changes, so no big changes
1.1 01/May/22 Changes to "respond" (and under the hood NPC reactions now uses it); also improvements to RPG
1.2 01/Sep/22 The "respond" function also used for SAY and item giving, plus you can have two-ways exits with Link
1.3 08/Nov/22 Big update to RPG library, quests sorted out; the Command class code done as a proper class that automatically adds it to the list

As of 0.2, settings.questVersion records the version and the ABOUT command reports it.

It is possible the editor will have its own version scheme.


QuestJS Basics

The Text Processor


Templates for Items

See also:

Handing NPCs

The User Experience (UI)

The main screen

The Side Panes

Multi-media (sounds, images, maps, etc.)

Dialogue boxes

Other Elements

Role-playing Games

Web Basics







Meta: About The Whole Game

Releasing Your Game


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