The source code for the ICLR-2020 submission Mutual Mean-Teaching: Pseudo Label Refinery for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-identification.
Please note that
- It is a pre-released repository for the anonymous open-review process.
- Trained models are partially hidden for the knowledge protection.
- The official repository containing full training code and all trained models will be available upon the paper published.
git clone
cd MMT
python install
cd example && mkdir data
Download the raw datasets DukeMTMC-reID, Market-1501, MSMT17, and then unzip them under the directory like
├── dukemtmc
│ └── DukeMTMC-reID
├── market1501
│ └── Market-1501-v15.09.15
└── msmt17
└── MSMT17_V1
When training with the backbone of IBN-ResNet-50, you need to download the ImageNet pre-trained model from this link and save it under the path of logs/pretrained/
(The python script could download the ImageNet pre-trained model for ResNet-50 directly.)
mkdir logs && cd logs
mkdir pretrained
The file tree should be
└── pretrained
└── resnet50_ibn_a.pth.tar
Transferring from DukeMTMC-reID to Market-1501 on the backbone of ResNet-50, i.e. Duke-to-Market (ResNet-50).
We utilize 4 GTX-1080TI GPUs for training.
Note: the pre-training code for source domain will be available in the official repository.
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet50 1
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet50 2
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet50 500
We utilize 1 GTX-1080TI GPU for testing. You could test your trained models with best performance or directly download the ResNet50-MMT-500 model for Duke-to-Market task here.
sh scripts/ market1501 resnet50 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-MMT-500/model_best.pth.tar
Duke-to-Market (IBN-ResNet-50)
# pre-training on the source domain
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet_ibn50a 1
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet_ibn50a 2
# end-to-end training with MMT-500
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet_ibn50a 500
# or MMT-700
sh scripts/ dukemtmc market1501 resnet_ibn50a 700
# testing the best model
sh scripts/ market1501 resnet_ibn50a logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet_ibn50a-MMT-500/model_best.pth.tar
sh scripts/ market1501 resnet_ibn50a logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet_ibn50a-MMT-700/model_best.pth.tar
Duke-to-MSMT (ResNet-50)
# pre-training on the source domain
sh scripts/ dukemtmc msmt17 resnet50 1
sh scripts/ dukemtmc msmt17 resnet50 2
# end-to-end training with MMT-500
sh scripts/ dukemtmc msmt17 resnet50 500
# or MMT-1000
sh scripts/ dukemtmc msmt17 resnet50 1000
# testing the best model
sh scripts/ msmt17 resnet50 logs/dukemtmcTOmsmt17/resnet50-MMT-500/model_best.pth.tar
sh scripts/ msmt17 resnet50 logs/dukemtmcTOmsmt17/resnet50-MMT-1000/model_best.pth.tar
We will provide all models in the official repository.
If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper
title={Mutual Mean-Teaching: Pseudo Label Refinery for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-identification},
booktitle={Submitted to International Conference on Learning Representations},
note={under review}