This is a simple weather application built using Python and Tkinter library. It retrieves weather information from an API based on the user's input of a city name.
Retrieves and displays weather information including temperature and weather condition for a given city. Uses a configuration file to store the API key securely. GUI (Graphical User Interface) built using Tkinter library.
Install the required dependencies. "pip install requests"
Obtain an API key from OpenWeatherMap API by creating an account at "".
Create a config.ini file in the project directory and add the following content:
"[api_key]" "key = YOUR_API_KEY" Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with the API key obtained from OpenWeatherMap.
Run the application. python Enter the name of the city for which you want to retrieve weather information in the provided input field.
Click on the "Search Weather" button.
The weather information, including location, temperature, image and weather condition, will be displayed on the screen.
THE END <<<<<<<<