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File metadata and controls

319 lines (228 loc) · 7.29 KB

3. Usage

Table of contents

  1. Installation and Setup
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage

Basic methods

You can access the setting instance (Store instance) by injecting the contract Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store to your __construct() method or with the app() helper.

Something like:


use Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store;

class RandomNameClass
    /** @var  \Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store */
    protected $settings;

    public function __construct(Store $settings) 
        $this->settings = $settings;

    public function main()
        $fooValue = $this->settings->get('foo', 'default value');
        // ...

Oh wait, there is a helper function:


class RandomNameClass 
    public function main()
        $fooValue = settings()->get('foo', 'Default value');
        // ...

You can also use the Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Facades\Settings façade or whatever.


// To set a value
settings()->set('foo', 'bar'); // OR settings()->set(['foo' => 'bar']);

// To get a value
$fooValue = settings()->get('foo');

// To get a value or the default if not found
$fooValueOrDefault = settings()->get('foo', 'Default value');

// To get all stored values
$allSettings = settings()->all();

// Check if exists

// To forget a stored value

// Delete all

// Save all the changes

IMPORTANT: You need to call settings()->save() explicitly to save all the changes.


If you're using Laravel >= 5.5, you can add the Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Middleware\SaveSettings middleware to your middleware list in app\Http\Kernel.php to save automatically at the end of all HTTP requests/responses stuff.

Don't forget that outside of the HTTP layer, the settings middleware it'll not be TRIGGERED.

If you made changes in console commands, queues ... you need to call the settings()->save() to persist the data.


You can check if the settings has unsaved data by calling the settings()->isSaved().

About the storage

As you may know, this package has multiple storage support: json, database, redis, array.

And you can set one of these options as a default storage.

JSON storage

This storage has a special method which is settings()->setPath($pathToStoreTheJsonFile).

So you can change the path on the fly and handle multiple storage files.

$fooValue = settings()->setPath($pathOne)->get('foo');

settings()->setPath($pathTwo)->set('bar', 'Hello there');

// Didn't i mention the method chaining ? Read the source code you lazy foo'!

Database storage

  • Step 1: run the package's migration.
  • Step 2: ???
  • Step 3: PROFIT !!!
User's Settings

If you want to store settings for multiple users in the same database you can do so by:

settings()->setExtraColumns(['user_id' => 1]);
settings()->set(['foo' => 'bar']);

settings()->setExtraColumns(['user_id' => 2]);
settings()->set(['foo' => 'baz']);

settings()->setExtraColumns(['user_id' => 1]);
settings()->get('foo'); // returns 'bar'

settings()->setExtraColumns(['user_id' => 2]);
settings()->get('foo'); // returns 'baz'

The user_id is a column found in the migration and has 0 as a default value.

More database stuff

If you need to do more crazy queries with the database storage, you can use the settings()->setConstraint():

settings()->set(['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux'])->save();

settings()->setConstraint(function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query, $insert) {
    if ( ! $insert) {
        $query->where('key', 'foo');

$values = settings()->all(); // returns `['foo' => 'bar']`

The $insert is a boolean telling you whether if the query is an insert or not. If it is, you usually don't need to do any constraints to the $query builder.

Custom storage

This package also allows you to implement your own custom storage.

1. Create the Custom Store class
<?php namespace App\Settings;

use Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Stores\AbstractStore;

class CustomStore extends AbstractStore
     * Fire the post options to customize the store.
     * @param  array  $options
    protected function postOptions(array $options)
     * Read the data from the store.
     * @return array
    protected function read()
     * Write the data into the store.
     * @param  array  $data
     * @return void
    protected function write(array $data)

If you don't want to use the abstract Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Stores\AbstractStore class and create a class/methods from scratch, use the Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store contract instead.

<?php namespace App\Settings;

use Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store;

class CustomStore implements Store
    // Implement the contract's methods here
2. Register the Custom Store

Go to the config/settings.php config file and edit the drivers list:

return [
    'drivers' => [
        'custom' => [
            'driver'  => App\Settings\CustomStore::class,

If you used the the abstract Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Stores\AbstractStore class, you can pass a options array like credential keys, path ...

return [
    'drivers' => [
        'custom' => [
            'driver'  => App\Settings\CustomStore::class,
            'options' => [
                // more customi[s|z]ation

Last and not least, you can set it as the default store.

Is there any stores manager ?


You remember about the custom store stuff, you can register it on the fly (the service provider is the best place):

settings()->extend('custom', function () {
    return new App\Settings\CustomStore();

PHP7 style you said ?

settings()->extend('custom-store-with-abstract-class', function () {
    return new class extends Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Stores\AbstractStore {
        // implement the methods here

settings()->extend('custom-store-with-contract', function () {
    return new class implements Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store {
        // same here

WAIT!! How i'm gonna use the custom store ?

Easy, you pass the key of the registered custom class:

$fooValue = settings('custom')->get('foo');


BUT i'm injecting the store contract in the (Controller, Service ...) constructor, so i got the default store instead

Instead of the Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store, use Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Manager contract:


use Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Manager;

class RandomNameClass
    /** @var  \Arcanedev\LaravelSettings\Contracts\Store */
    protected $settings;

    public function __construct(Manager $manager) 
        $this->settings = $manager->driver('custom');

    public function main()
        $fooValue = $this->settings->get('foo', 'default value');
        // ...

The end ?