Releases: Thenemex/Thaumic-Industries-2-Expert
Releases · Thenemex/Thaumic-Industries-2-Expert
Patch for chests & stairs
Mods Updated :
- Sheep Food -> Food Addition
Gameplay modifications :
- Horse and Squid now drop food.
- Crafting chests with Greatwood Logs, now gives two instead of one.
- Crafting stairs (Vanilla and Thaumcraft only) now gives double the normal amount.
- Set aspects for new food items.
Expert modifications :
- Enhanced the Framing Sheet (BiblioCraft) recipe.
Server files
Discord Server creation
UI Changes :
- Removed the language button from the Main menu.
- Replaced it with a functionnal Discord button, which opens invite link.
Server files
Patch for the Transmutative Wand Core research
Gameplay modifications :
- Setting aspects for :
- Stone Slab, Cobblestone Slab, Stone Bricks Slab, Nether Brick Slab
Bugs patched :
- The Transmutative Wand Core now got the Focus: Primal as prereq, and the Meteor Boots don't.
Server files
Patch for the Botania Petal Praecantatio exploit
Gameplay modifications :
- Removing Praecantatio aspect from :
- Mystical Petals, Petal Blocks and Buried Petals [Botania]
Server files
Patch for planks & sticks crafting issues
Gameplay modifications :
- Patched the issues with the impossible craft of planks and sticks in crafting table.
Server files
TCIe 2.6.1
Questbook & rebalance update (pt.1) !
Mods Added :
- BetterQuesting, BetterQuesting - Standard Expansion
Gameplay modifications :
- A first questline is added ; it acts as a guide for early-game to free research : Wandcraft, Arcane, Research and Aspects.
- The Stone Furnace first recipe can now be done with both Coal and Charcoal blocks.
- Paper can now be crafted by hand shapelessly, without a crafting table.
- Setting aspects for :
- Raw Mutton, Cooked Mutton
- Warped Leaves, Shadowmetal Nugget, Atropa Belladonna, Nightshade Berries, Phial of Crimson Blood
- Industrial Hemp Seeds, Industrial Hemp Fiber, Bauxite Ore, Nickel Ore, Aluminium Nugget
- Fallen Knight, Fallen Stead, Wither Cat
- Adding Alienis to Warpwood Log and Sapling's aspects.
Expert modifications :
- Enhanced Framing Saw (BiblioCraft) recipe.
- Enhanced Hungry Chest arcane recipe.
- Enhanced Thaumic Wand Rod [TB] arcane recipe.
- Enhanced Transmutative Wand Rod [TX] infusion recipe.
- The Iron Bucket recipe is now locked under the "Iron Tools" research.
- The Stone Furnace now got another easier recipe, but only available in progression once you made your first furnace.
- Mundane woods give 2 Planks/Sticks, and now magical woods will give 3 Planks/Sticks.
- Reduced the amount of Tutamen essentia needed for the Thaumium Fortress Armor infusion recipes.
- Reduced the amount of Vitreus needed for the Crystal Chest crucible recipe.
- Changed the infusion recipe of the Black Chest.
- Nerfing the conversion rate of Industrial Hemp Fiber to String.
- Zombie Pigmens now got passive griefing & fiddling AI.
Harvest Level modifications :
- A Diamond pickaxe is needed to mine : Glowstone
Server files
Patch for Warded Jar recipe issues with slabs & Enchanting Table always visible recipe
Bugs patched :
- The Warded Jar recipe wasn't working due to some oreDict conflicts.
- All slab recipes now work and won't give only oak slabs and contradict NEI.
- The Enchanting Table infusion recipe was visible from scratch in NEI, and not contained within it's research.
Server files
Patch for Glass Phial impossible recipe & server scripts issue.
Bugs patched :
- The Glass Phial had a Greatwood Log in it's recipe, but it was impossible to get before researching the Iron Tools
-> replaced by a Wooden slab. - [Server] Some residual Typos for french translations caused scripts to print an error and not load on servers with custom Java8.
- [Server] Right-clicking on farmlands to harvest them wasn't possible, because of a missing mod.
Server files
Little patch-bug for the Thaumium research
Bugs patched :
- The Thaumium research was outputing the message "You lack the required knowledge [...]" because of the bugged prereq being the Greatwood Wand Core. The core is still needed for the crafts, but the research's prereq is removed.
Server files
TCIe 2.6
Expert update !
Mods Removed :
- Twilight Forest, WailaHarvestability
Mods Added :
- Harvest Level Config, Sheep Food
Mods Updated :
- Controlling, CraftPresence, UniLib
Bugs patched :
- Solving a problem with the craft of sticks in 3x3 worktable not registering properly.
- The alter craft of the TC phial was showing in Thaumonomicon, but not in JEI and was impossible to make.
- The Voidmetal Anvil from Thaumic Bases was impossible to make, because of some duplicate recipes for the Voidmetal Block.
- Removing temporary warp to the Black Chest item, as it is not properly working.
- Editing french translations, so there's no UTF spitting on the special characters.
- The Arcane Bore research was missing the Thaumometer as prereq.
- Fixed CraftPresence showing "Null" when leaving the menu and joining a game.
Gameplay modifications :
- Sheep now drops meat when killed (with the right saturation !).
- Increased the chance of agressive mobs having enhanced IA patterns.
- Horse is now neutral, and have a chance to be ridden by mods.
- Removed Talismans from the loot tables of chests.
- All iron tools now have 15 durability.
Expert modifications :
- Reduced the output number of planks & sticks craft.
- Adding an alternative craft for the iron nugget.
- Adding an alternative arcane craft for the TC phial.
- Adding a new research and arcane craft for the Furnace.
- Adding a new research and arcane craft for the Iron Pickaxe & Axe.
- The Thaumium crucible recipe now gives a bit less material.
- The Nitor crucible recipe now needs a bit more essentia.
- The Magic Tallow crucible recipe now needs more different essentias.
- Enhanced the arcane craft for Alchemical Furnace, Arcane Alembic & Warded Jar.
- Enhanced the arcane craft for Runic Matrix & Arcane Pedestal
- Enhanced the chest craft a bit.
- Adding a new warped research and infusion recipe for the Enchanting Table
- Adding a new research and infusion recipe for the Bed
Harvest Level modifications :
- A Stone axe is needed to mine : Chest, Trapped Chest, Worktable, Bed, TC Tables
- An Iron axe is needed to mine : Greatwood Log, Silverwood Log
- An Iron pickaxe is needed to mine : Furnace, Iron Chests
- A Diamond pickaxe is needed to mine : Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, Enchanting Table, Ender Chest