Releases: Thenemex/Thaumic-Industries-2
Releases · Thenemex/Thaumic-Industries-2
Patch for the mods section
Mods added :
- ttCore, SerializationIsBad
Mods updated :
- Food Addition
Gameplay modifications :
- Horse and Squid now drop food.
UI Changes :
- Changed the mods section in the Main Menu with ttCore.
Server files
TCI 2.0.2
Quality standard update
Mods added :
- SheepFood
Mods updated :
- Controlling, CraftPresence, Twilight Forest
Gameplay modifications :
- Sheeps now drop food.
UI Changes :
- Removed the language button from the Main menu.
- Replaced it with a functionnal Discord button, which opens invite link.
Server files
TCI 2.0.1
Patch for the crash at game launch
Mods removed :
- Llibrary
Bugs patched :
- Patching the crash at launch, caused by the mod Llibrary, no longer maintained.
Server files
TCI 1.0
(I forget to publish it Im so dumb)
Compared to the 2.4 Beta of Thaumcraft Industries 2 - Expert (TCIe2)
Mods removed :
- Removed AIImprovements, EnderZoo, HardcoreWither, Increase Mobs, Lava Monsters, SpecialIA
Gameplay modifications :
- Deleted all expert scripts, exception for the Focus Blink still banned (can pass through warded glass)
- Nerfed HellFish health
- DireWolfs, Champions Mobs, Enderminus, Lava Monsters, Khendrels, Wither Witch & Cat are deleted
- Pigmens won't trigger on mined ores
- No custom IA on this version
- Thaumcraft Aspect Scan softcap is increased from 50 to 100
- Tainted biomes spread 10 times slower
- All types of Nodes are now a lot more common
- JourneyMap is reset to default/unlimited, with visible caves & mobs
Misc :
- CraftPresence reconfigured with a new app