- 🌱 Currently learning MERN, java, Springboot
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- 🌱 Currently learning MERN, java, Springboot
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
This is a beginner friendly code to get player marks for "Hearts" card game. You can use this while playing hearts physically to calculate marks instead of calculating it on your own. You can chose…
C 3
This LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is our university course work. NOTE that this is a group project, here are my teammates Ashen Kavinda, Adeesha Nanayakkara.
C 1
Here you have a simple code snippet covering almost all the OOP concepts. Team members: Nimesh Kolombage, Kushmi Hettiwaththage, Thumula Ubeysiri
Java 1
An employee management system designed merely to address hectic tasks such as managing employees, departments, tasks and salaries. This application possess the ability to generate reports dynamical…
C# 1