This is an application created based in "Next Level Week" event
The application display and create players reunions before to play any game
- Login with Discord (OAuth2)
- Create Appointments of your game matches
- Fillter Appointments by category
- Fillter Appointments by category
- Invite Appointments to your friends
- Random Welcome Messages
- Logout Fuction
- React Native
- Typescript
- Expo
- Axios
- Context API
- OAuth2 Discord
- React Navigation
- Expo Authentication
- Vector Icons
- React Native Svg and Svg Transform
- Visual Studio
- Install Node, React Native and Expo
- Download zip or git clone and
- Use packet manager of your preference to install dependencies
- Create your app on Discord Developers
- Uncommnet LogBox on ./App.tsx to see your redirect url
- Run 'expo start' on local project
Create your discord app to get environment variables, see .env.example file
Gwen's image created by miyumi