TigerGraph CLI consists of three major features:
- [
] - Configration Manger. Commands that start withtg conf
allow you to manage configurations used bytgcli
, including user credentials for TigerGraph Cloud and configurations for instances managed by the Server Manager. - [
] - Cloud Manager. Commands that start withtg cloud
allow you to manage the state of your TigerGraph Cloud solutions. Throughtgcli
, you can create, view, stop and terminate your TigerGraph instances without going through the TigerGraph Cloud portal. - [
] - Server Manager. Commands that start withtg server
allow you to perform sophisticated operations on the instances added to your TigerGraph CLI configurations. Such an instances is called a TigerGraph server. Through the server manager, you can download/upload user-defined functions (UDF), import/export solutions, start/stop services and even start a GSQL shell and run commands on your server.
To install TigerGraph Cli on Mac OS
brew tap TigerGraph-DevLabs/tg
brew install tgcli
To install TigerGraph Cli on Linux
user@server $ wget https://tigertool.tigergraph.com/dl/linux/tgcli
user@server $ sudo mv tgcli /usr/bin/
user@server $ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/tgcli
Running tg <module> -h
displays help text for a topic.
Example : tg cloud -h
In this case, we are getting Cloud Manager's command help.
usage: tg cloud [-h] {login,start,stop,terminate,archive,list,create} ...
positional arguments:
login Login to tgcloud.io
start Start a tgcloud instance
stop Stop a tgcloud instance
terminate Terminate a tgcloud instance
archive Archive a tgcloud instance
list List all tgcloud instance
create Create a tgcloud instance
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Commands that start with tg conf
manage the configurations used by tg-cli
, which include the user's TigerGraph Cloud credentials and configurations for the user's TigerGraph servers.
usage: tg conf [-h] {tgcloud,add,delete,list} ...
positional arguments:
tgcloud TigerGraph Cloud user configuration
add add configuration
delete delete configuration
list list configurations
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
tg conf tgcloud -h
manages the user's TigerGraph Cloud account credentials ( used by tg cloud login
Argument | Description | Accepted values | Default |
The email address associated with your TigerGraph Cloud account | String containing user email address | "" | |
-password | The password associated with your TigerGraph Cloud account | String containing user password | "" |
Example :
tg conf tgcloud -email <[email protected]> -password <password>
tg conf list
lists all the configuration
======= tgCloud Account ======
username: [email protected]
password: mypassword
======= TigerGraph Instances ======
Machine: alias = defaultConf (default)
host: http://localhost
user: tigergraph
password: tigergraph
GSQL Port: 14240
REST Port: 9000
Machine: alias = Machine2
host: https://machine.i.tgcloud.io
user: tigergraph
password: tigergraph
GSQL Port: 14240
REST Port: 9000
tg conf add
adds a TigerGraph instance (server) to the configuration store
usage: tg conf add [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
[-restPort [RESTPORT]] [-default [{y,n}]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-alias ALIAS the name used for referring to the tigergraph Server
-user USER tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
-password PASSWORD tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
-host [HOST] tigergraph host ( default : )
-gsPort [GSPORT] GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
-restPort [RESTPORT] Rest++ Port ( default : 9000 )
-default [{y,n}] Set default alias conf (y/n) ( default : n )
Argument | Description | Accepted values | Default |
-alias | The name given to the server for using it later | string | "" |
-user | tigergraph user by defaulttigergraph | string | tigergraph |
-password | tigergraph user's password | string | tigergraph |
-host | host value for tigergraph | string | |
-gsPort | GSQL Port for tigergraph instance | string | 14240 |
-restPort | RestPP Port for tigergraph instance | string | 9000 |
-default | y/n parameter to set this configuration as default server | string | n |
tg conf delete
deletes a server from the configuration store
usage: tg conf delete [-h] [-alias ALIAS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-alias ALIAS the name used for referring to the tigergraph Server
Argument | description | Accepted values | Default |
-alias | The machine's alias to delete | string | "" |
Commands that start with tg cloud
allow you to log in to your TigerGraph Cloud account and manage your TigerGraph Cloud instances.
usage: tg cloud [-h] {login,start,stop,terminate,archive,list,create} ...
positional arguments:
login Login to tgcloud.io
start Start a tgcloud instance
stop Stop a tgcloud instance
terminate Terminate a tgcloud instance
archive Archive a tgcloud instance
list List all tgcloud instance
create Create a tgcloud instance
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To log in to your TigerGraph Cloud account, run the following command:
$ tg cloud login -email <your_email> -password <your_password>
If you have already set up your TigerGraph credential through tg conf tgcloud
, then just run:
$ tg cloud login
will use the credentials you set up to log in to TigerGraph Cloud.
Once you are logged in, to list tgcloud instances use:
tg cloud list
usage: tg cloud list [-h] [-activeonly [{y,n}]] [-o [{stdout,json}]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-activeonly [{y,n}] Hide terminated Servers
-o [{stdout,json}] Output for the tigergraph-cli
argument | description | accepted values | default |
-activeonly | list only active instances ( no terminated ) | string | "y" |
-o | output mode stdout or json | string | "stdout" |
To change the state of a machine on TigerGraph Cloud use:
tg cloud start -id <machine-id-from-list>
tg cloud stop -id <machine-id-from-list>
tg cloud terminate -id <machine-id-from-list>
tg cloud archive -id <machine-id-from-list>
Commands that start with tg server
allow you to perform sophisticated operations on your TigerGraph instances (servers).
usage: tg server [-h] {demos,algos,gsql,udf,udt,services,backup,import,starter-kit} ...
positional arguments:
demos Loads demos to TigerGraph server.
algos Loads algos to TigerGraph server.
gsql Execute a gsql terminal.
udf get/update UDF for TigerGraph server.
udt get/update UDT for TigerGraph server.
services Start/Stop GPE/GSE/RESTPP Services in TigerGraph server.
backup Backup a TigerGraph server.
import Import a TigerGraph server from a ZIP file.
starter-kit Load a starter kit to TigerGraph server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To launch a remote GSQL terminal ( Pure Python ):
user@server $ tg server gsql -alias <your_server_alias>
Welcome to tigergraph
usage: tg server gsql [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-alias ALIAS tigergraph Server to use
-user USER tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
-password PASSWORD tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
-host [HOST] tigergraph host ( default :
-gsPort [GSPORT] GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
To download/upload UDFs:
user@server $ tg server udf -alias <your_server_alias> -ops download
user@sever $ tg server udf -alias <your_server_alias> -ops upload
Full usage:
usage: tg server udf [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
[-ops {download,upload}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-alias ALIAS tigergraph Server to use
-user USER tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
-password PASSWORD tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
-host [HOST] tigergraph host ( default :
-gsPort [GSPORT] GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
-ops {download,upload}
upload/download UDF ( default : download )
To download/upload user-defined tuples (UDT)
user@server $ tg server udt -alias <your_server_alias> -ops download
user@server $ tg server udt -alias <your_server_alias> -ops upload
Full usage:
usage: tg server udt [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
[-ops {download,upload}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-alias ALIAS tigergraph Server to use
-user USER tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
-password PASSWORD tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
-host [HOST] tigergraph host ( default : )
-gsPort [GSPORT] GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
-ops {download,upload}
upload/download UDT ( default : download )
To start or stop GPE/GSE/RESTPP services:
user@server $ tg server services -alias <your_server_alias> -ops start
user@server $ tg server services -alias <your_server_alias> -ops stop
Full usage:
usage: tg server services [-h] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]] [-ops {start,stop}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-user USER tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
-password PASSWORD tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
-host [HOST] tigergraph host ( default : )
-gsPort [GSPORT] GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
-ops {start,stop} start/stop GPE/GSE/RESTPP ( default : start )
Backup a tigergraph instance
user@server $ tg server backup -alias <your_server_alias>
Full usage:
usage: tg server backup [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
[-restPort [RESTPORT]] [-t {ALL,SCHEMA,DATA}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-alias ALIAS tigergraph Server to use
-user USER tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
-password PASSWORD tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
-host [HOST] tigergraph host ( default : )
-gsPort [GSPORT] GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
-restPort [RESTPORT] Rest Port ( default : 9000 )
-t {ALL,SCHEMA,DATA} backup Mode ( default : ALL )
We are actively developing new features for TigerGraph CLI. Below is a list of features that are currently under development:
- Demos
- Upload/Download graph algorithms
- Load starter kits into instances
- Database import/export