To remote configure your fresh installed OS on server.
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This script aimed goal is to set up a complete web server environment. Script can be run from a local system with internet access to server.
We are reconstruction the script from scratch
If you need the old version you can find it at https://github.com/TirsvadCLI/Linux.Bash.ServerSetup/archive/refs/tags/v0.1.0.tar.gz
- Clean installed server with Debian or Ubuntu.
curl -o ServerSetup.tar -L https://github.com/TirsvadCLI/Linux.Bash.ServerSetup/tarball/master mkdir -p ServerSetup && tar xpvf ServerSetup.tar -C "ServerSetup" --strip-components=1 cd ServerSetup/src/ServerSetup
When you are ready to do the setup of server
First time run will create a settings.json and exit. You can now fill settings.json with required wishes.
- Create super user
- Hardness server
- Firewall nft
Version 0.3.0
- FireWall nft setup
- Hardness: Ban2jail
Version 0.4.0
- Add extra user optional
- Nginx install optional
- Postgresql install optional
Version 0.5.0
- E-mail server (Postfix, dovecot and postsql) optional
Version 0.6.0
- [ ]
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Linux.Bash.ServerSetup/ # Root folder that contains the solution
|---ServerSetup/ # Contains the project
|---images/ # Contains images
|---logo/ # Contains the logo
|---documentation/ # Contains documentation