This is an example application that is used for demos of real-life usage of Tolerance features.
The Docker Compose configuration is created to run 2 different services and shows to interest of the MessageIdentifier component. For instance, if you click on the "Embedded page" link at the home page of the service1, it will call the service2, that will itself call the GitHub API.
You'll then be able to see the following log graph of the requests in the Neo4j database:
Note: A proper message viewer is currently under development.
You can simply use the Docker image:
docker-compose up -d
If you are using dock-cli (or any manual DNS integration with DNSDock), you'll be able to access:
The first service http://toleranceexamplesymfonyservice_service1.docker
Neo4j browser http://neo4j.docker:7474
Well, that's a classic Symfony application :)