Bot to link with TempoCraft website
OCR Part is not correct at all and this project is not the cleanest code you'll see as it was dev mainly in 2 days
To init you have to create a file called config.json
and fill it like this :
"token" : "", //Discord Token
"prefix" : "+", //Command prefix
"serverUrl": "", //Server url
"apiKey": "", //JS API Key
"commandChannel": "", //Channel where user are allowed to put commands
"broadcastChannel": "", //Channel where broadcast messagre are send
"newCraft": "", //Custom newCraft broadcast channel
"ocrApiKey": "", //OCR Api Key
"symfonyKey": "" //Symfony API Key
Bot à associé avec le site TempoCraft
La partie reconnaissance d'image est très peu fonctionnelle et ce projet ne présente pas du code très propre tandis qu'il fut développé principalement en 2 jours
Pour initialiser le bot créés un fichier config.json
et remplissez le avec ce schéma
"token" : "", //Discord Token
"prefix" : "+", //Command prefix
"serverUrl": "", //Server url
"apiKey": "", //JS API Key
"commandChannel": "", //Channel where user are allowed to put commands
"broadcastChannel": "", //Channel where broadcast messagre are send
"newCraft": "", //Custom newCraft broadcast channel
"ocrApiKey": "", //OCR Api Key
"symfonyKey": "" //Symfony API Key