Releases: TonyTangAndroid/GooglePlusDemo
Add Navigation Drawer
Now this whole app has been integrated with BottomNavigationBar, ViewPager, Fragment, ChildFragment, TabLayout, NavigationDrawer, SnackBar, FloatingActionBar and NestedScrollView.
Support FloatingActionBar and SnackBar
Merge pull request #7 from TonyTangAndroid/snack_bar_support Add SnackBar support.
Integrate CoordinatorLayout
1, Replace ScrollView to NestedScrollView.
2, Use our own toolbar rather than default Toolbar by changing theme.
3, Add BottomNavigationViewBehavior.
Keep Fragment state across the Activity
Keep Fragment state across the Activity.
Simplest UI demo release
This is the initial UI demo of our Google+ Android App. As you would probably notice, the state of fragment is not persisted, which means that the Fragment will be re-created again if we go to Notification and get back into Home again. The reason is because that be default, the view pager adapter only caches the adjacent fragment. This also explain that if you are in Dashboard Fragment, which is in the middle, both HomeFragment and NotificationFragment will be persisted. For these who are interested in running the sample app in your own device, please download the apk.