This is a simple Fabric/Quilt mod that makes some modifications to Minecraft, it is meant for my own private server, but you can use it too if you would like
Requires Fabric API or Quilted Fabric API
No Forge
Poison Aspect: New Enchantment that applies Poison effect on opponents, incompatible with Fire Aspect
New Command: curiosity
Potion of Decay: Applies wither effect on use
Potion of Seen't: Applies blindness on use
Poisonous Potato: Can now be used to make a potion of poison
Noob Stick: Right Click
Riding Stick: Hit an entity to start riding it
Instant Kill Stick: Instantly kills any entity it hits, (or at least should)
Launch Stick: Launches hit entity into the air
Despawn Stick: Despawns hit entity
Gravity Stick: Makes entities unable to jump, fly or swim, also makes them slower
Made with MCreator
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