Simulation of particle showers on the TRISTAN detector on its journey through the Atlantic Ocean.
It is necessary to have installed:
- AIRES (and added library to the
) - gfortran compiler
- Python builtin libraries
The user only must configure the settings table with her/his preferences,
which is the config.json file, and bring the TRISTAN_data_000.txt file
inside ROOT_DIR
with simulation data. Te name of input file is chosen in
config.json file.
Then, executing with Python 3, the AiresINP and OUTPUT directories will be created.
The file angles_distribution.txt contains: number of particles which reach ground with azimuth angles between the next intervals:
|| ======== GAMMA ======== || ====== ELECTRONS ====== || ======== MUONS ======== ||
|| [0, 5], (5, 10], ... || [0, 5], (5, 10], ... || [0, 5], (5, 10], ... ||
One line for each simulation.
- AiresINP: here are generated folders with one simulation
each one like those ones:
- 18364-0000: Year 2018, Day Of the Year 364, Time 0h 00 mins
- 18364-0000.inp: Aires INPut file.
- tables.inp: Aires file which specifies tables to print and export.
- model.inp: Aires file which specifies atmospheric model.
- 18364-0000.tnnnn: Aires tables generated (nnnn is the code of the table, which is specified by user in config.json > tables > print/ export. All the codes are explained on Aires Users Guide).
- 18364-0000.sry: Aires summary of the simulation.
- 18364-000.grdpcles: File with large compressed data about the simulation.
- 18364-000.dat: Chosen data uncompressed from 18364-000.grdpcles by the fortran program grdpcles_reader.f located in ROOT_DIR.
- ... Other files explained on the Aires Users Guide.
- 18365-0600: Year 2018, Day Of the Year 365, Time 6h 00 mins
- 18364-0000.inp
- tables.inp
- model.inp
- ...
- ...
- 18364-0000: Year 2018, Day Of the Year 364, Time 0h 00 mins
- OUTPUT: here are stored the output histograms
- SUMMARY: only generated if is set "SRY_dir": 1 in config.json. Here are stored all summaries, one for each simulation.
- main file which manages all functionalities.
-,, python files which classes; CookAiresINP, CookModel, CookTables; that create the main aires input file and attachments like model.inp and tables.inp, respectively.
- there are three classes within it defined.
- grdpcles_reader.f: Program written in fortran for extracting compressed data from files.grdpcles.
- TRISTAN_data_000.txt: Input file with the data for every simulation: one simulation for each line.
- config.json: settings table for user.
- InputFileName: String with the complete name of the input file "filename.txt". In case it is saved in another directory, you must give full path or relative path from ROOT_DIR.
- AiresVersion: String which specifies the Aires version written in format "19-04-00" (the same format as the Iroot directory for installation).
- SRY_dir: boolean to say whether create or not the SUMMARY directory, where all summaries of each simulation are stored.
- model: (string values)
- atm_ident: identifier for the atmospheric model created.
- atm_name: extended name for the atmospheric model.
- grd_temp: temperature at background in K. [UNUSED]
- tables: (list of integer values)
- print: list with codes for tables to print.
- export: list with codes for tables to export.
- template:
- total_showers: (int, It is better if it is strictly larger than 1)
- primary_particle: (str: "neutron", "proton"... AIRES naming)
- primary_energy: (str: "1 PeV", "100 GeV" ...)
- oberving_levels: (int)
- plots: say whether or not it shows the following data (boolean
values, but only 1 or 0, because config.json doesn't support
True neither False).
- mean:
- minimum_and_maximum:
- standard_deviation:
- RMS_error:
- show_plots:
- save_plots:
- threshold: Use or not threshold representing data on plots (0 -> Do not use threshold; 1, 2, ..., 30, 50, ..., 100, ... -> Use threshold with that value.)