4.1.0 (2025-01-17)
- Align: add component, demo, docs (#544) (e3ee52c)
- Billboard: add component, playground, docs (#527) (418e6ae)
- CubeCamera: add component, demo, docs (#537) (02ed01c)
- edges (#390) (60c200d)
- gradientTexture: add component, demo, docs (#531) (58d0fdb)
- Grid: add component, demo, docs (#540) (096ab5d)
- Image: add component, playground, docs (#529) (ad916a2)
- Mask: add component, demo, docs (#552) (0fb8952)
- MeshDiscardMaterial: add component, playground, docs (#525) (7a23019)
- Outline: add component, demo, docs (#532) (5bae4de)
- ScreenSizer: add component, playground, docs (#535) (ee5af96)
- ScreenSpace: add component, demo, docs (#536) (e43f112)
- SoftShadows: add component, demo, docs (#541) (e71cdad)
Bug Fixes
- 581 environment lightformers are not working (#584) (653a5df)
- build dts error TS7056 (#521) (c16c6e5)
- deps: update dependency @Tresjs/core to v4.3.0 (#503) (83fa2bf)
- deps: update dependency vue-router to v4.4.5 (#488) (0840b88)
- instance properties and fix demo (#561) (f0fb337)
- KeyboardControls: support non-qwerty keyboards (#573) (#574) (efdde6d)
- MeshReflectionMaterial: remove unneeded material.onBeforeRender (#534) (f622324)
- typescript build issues (#578) (09584be)
- update core version with patch (#508) (cbae8ee)
What's Changed
- chore: clean up config by @alvarosabu in #498
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [security] by @renovate in #494
- chore(deps): update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v5.1.4 by @renovate in #499
- fix(deps): update dependency vue-router to v4.4.5 by @renovate in #488
- chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-dts to v4.2.3 by @renovate in #481
- chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-auto-import to v0.18.3 by @renovate in #497
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9.11.1 by @renovate in #485
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.12.0 by @renovate in #487
- chore(deps): update dependency @release-it/conventional-changelog to v8.0.2 by @renovate in #491
- fix(deps): update dependency @Tresjs/core to v4.3.0 by @renovate in #503
- fix: update core version with patch by @alvarosabu in #508
- chore(deps): update dependency ubuntu to v24 by @renovate in #510
- chore(deps): update dependency vitepress to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #512
- chore: add @alvarosabu to codeowners by @alvarosabu in #518
- chore(deps): update dependency unocss to ^0.64.0 by @renovate in #516
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.13.0 by @renovate in #509
- fix(MeshReflectionMaterial): remove unneeded material.onBeforeRender by @andretchen0 in #534
- chore(lint): reformat to avoid linter error by @andretchen0 in #533
- feat(MeshDiscardMaterial): add component, playground, docs by @andretchen0 in #525
- feat(Billboard): add component, playground, docs by @andretchen0 in #527
- feat: edges by @damienmontastier in #390
- chore: update deps by @alvarosabu in #554
- feat(Image): add component, playground, docs by @andretchen0 in #529
- feat(Outline): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #532
- feat(ScreenSpace): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #536
- feat(ScreenSizer): add component, playground, docs by @andretchen0 in #535
- feat(gradientTexture): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #531
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.15.0 by @renovate in #556
- feat(CubeCamera): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #537
- feat(Grid): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #540
- feat(SoftShadows): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #541
- feat(Align): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #544
- feat(Mask): add component, demo, docs by @andretchen0 in #552
- docs: temporarely hide unreleased abstractions by @alvarosabu in #560
- fix(positional-audio): instance properties and fix demo by @damienmontastier in #561
- fix(KeyboardControls): support non-qwerty keyboards (#573) by @andretchen0 in #574
- fix(dts): Fix build dts error (fix #520) by @0x-jerry in #521
- fix: typescript build issues by @alvarosabu in #578
- fix: 581 environment lightformers are not working by @alvarosabu in #584
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.0.3...4.1.0