A Discord Bot in python on replit server along with uptimerobot, custom tailored for my discord server
Version 1.0.0
- Steel is a discord bot for simplifying the common tasks in my discord server.
- Sending welcome message
- Assigning guest roles
- Custom commands for common links, rules, greeting, inspiring and a guessing game
- Assigning the specific roles and removing the guest ones
- Pulling player data using clash of clans api
- Steel Bot is written in python
- It is written on a replit sever
- It also uses uptimerobot server to keep it running 24/7
- Replit
- UptimeRobot
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Tushar GitHub
ⓒ Tushar
Licenced under MIT Licence