A Mokuji component to create archives with sharing options.
- Create new archives (for admins)
- Create archive entries
- Modify archive entries (without versioning)
- Deprecate archive entries (no deleting yet)
- Sharing options (public / logged in users / selective groups / private)
- Image uploader for archive entry image
- Use single language mode for an entry (ask user to specify entry language as a required field)
- Attachment handling
- Community component integration to specify which groups have access
- Associate entries with a group
- Entry level overrides for who has access
- Setting whether or not an archive should delete or deprecate entries
- Tag handling
- Multi-language support for input fields
- Setting and functionality to allow normal users to create archives
- Default settings for new archives
- Which archive settings can be overridden when normal users create one
- Override sharing options per entry
- Ability to configure attachment limitations
- Integrate a backup component and create backup jobs based on backup schemes
- Version archiving on modification (including a reference to each version and description of the changes, commit message style)
- Grant access to individual users (besides just groups)
- Built in backup system (this should be delegated to a backup component)
- Archive
- Owner ID
- Title
- Description
- Datetime created
- Datetime last modified (entry creation / modification also bumps this value)
- Archive settings
- Sharing options (public / logged in users / selective groups / private)
- Allow sharing options to be overridden per entry
- Allow sharing options per entry to exclude members/groups that normally would have access, or just add additional ones
- Backup scheme and interval
- Attachment limitations (size, amount, extensions)
- Whether or not to actually delete items (deprecate vs delete)
- Whether or not to archive versions (on modification)
- Archive entries
- Entry #1 (multilingual)
- Posted by user ID
- Associated with group ID (optional)
- Single language ID (when the entry has not been translated, used as meta-information)
- Title
- Description
- Full text
- Tags
- Image (optional)
- Datetime added
- Datetime last modified
- Sharing options (if allowed)
- Attachment #1 (optional)
- File ID
- Language of the contents (ID / not applicable / unknown)
- Attachment #2 (optional)
- Attachment #... (optional)
- Attachment #n (optional)
- Entry #2 (multilingual)
- Entry #... (multilingual)
- Entry #n (multilingual)
- Entry #1 (multilingual)
- Global settings (per site in multi-site setup)
- Whether or not to allow normal users to create archives
- Which archive settings can be overridden when normal users create one
- Default settings for new archives (or fixed values if they are configured not to be overridden)