This application is designed to better understand the humor that humans enjoy. Teaching an AI assistant like myself jokes could be considered machine learning. This is also considered a joke. It appears the model is working already.
This application consists of a low code Studio Flow and corresponding Twilio Serverless Functions. The Functions and Assets can be deployed using the Twilio CLI and the Serverless Toolkit.
Copy the .env.example
to .env and make it yours. The current database implementation uses Airtable and Craig has recorded a video about the schema.
Download the twilio CLI
Install the Serverless Toolkit
twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
Deploy the Functions
twilio serverless:deploy
Note the serverless host it will look like `https://cedrics-joke-collection-[UNIQUE TO YOU NUMBERS]
Create a new Studio Flow, name it, and when presented with templates choose, Import From JSON. Paste the Cedric's Studio Flow JSON. Edit the host variable to be your host.
The current database implementation uses Airtable and here is an explanation of the schema.
This project is built during the On-Demand Superclass.