Releases: UN-OCHA/iasc8
Releases · UN-OCHA/iasc8
Deploy 21-06-2022
What's Changed
- IASC-732 Display OCHA Services when user menu is disabled by @left23 in #627
- feat: Export users by @attiks in #628
- fix: Patch core so we can access files attached to content via Views. by @cafuego in #626
- feat: Add paths and export to views by @attiks in #629
- chore: automagic updates by @lazysoundsystem in #630
- [OPS-8319] Disable and remove redis, enable memcache. by @cafuego in #614
- fix: Enable Views UI, so we do not need to re-enable it after each deploy. by @cafuego in #632
- feat: Notify of builds via Slack. by @cafuego in #634
- chore: update core to 9.3.16 by @lazysoundsystem in #631
- feat: Show all occurrences of events by @attiks in #636
- Small fixes by @attiks in #637
- chore: Fix caching by @attiks in #638
- Trick render caching by @attiks in #640
- Use wider/saner range by @attiks in #641
- feat: Paging by months by @attiks in #642
- Iasc 747 paragraphs by @attiks in #644
- feat: Disable account creation by @attiks in #643
- Iasc 747 migrate by @attiks in #646
- IASC-747 Past and Upcoming meetings styles by @left23 in #645
- chore: Add wrappers by @attiks in #647
- chore: Rename paragraph names by @attiks in #648
- [OPS-8372] core security update and automagic updates by @lazysoundsystem in #639
- Main by @attiks in #649
- fix: update packages that were blocking composer install by @lazysoundsystem in #650
- Deploy 21/06/2022 by @attiks in #651
Full Changelog: v13.1.4...v13.1.5
Deploy 07-06-2022
OPS-8232 Seckit updates
Deploy 01-06-2022
Deploy 28-04-2022
Merge pull request #609 from UN-OCHA/develop [OPS-7459] user expire
Deploy 26-04-2022
Deploy 20/04/2022
Deploy 31-03-2022
What's Changed
- [OPS-8180] Pop the current CMI in the repo. by @cafuego in #596
- [OPS-8135] bump social_auth_hid and small updates for other modules by @lazysoundsystem in #597
- Iasc 729 by @attiks in #600
- Bump node-forge from 1.0.0 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #595
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 by @dependabot in #598
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /html/themes/custom/iasc_common_design by @dependabot in #599
- Deploy 31/03/2022 by @attiks in #602
Full Changelog: v13.0.8...v13.0.9
Deploy 24/03/2022
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v13.0.7...v13.0.8
Deploy 22/03/2022
Merge pull request #592 from UN-OCHA/develop Deply 22/03/2022
22/02/2022 - core security update
Plus dependabot updates, a bug fix for webform, updating coder module and related phpcs fixes.