Releases: UN-OCHA/iasc8
Releases · UN-OCHA/iasc8
Deploy 14/02/2022
Merge pull request #583 from UN-OCHA/develop Deploy 14/02/2022
07/02/2022 - Hotfix search
improvements to search, and remove colorbox module:
Hotfix 02/02/2022
Merge pull request #574 from UN-OCHA/develop Deploy 02/02/2022
31/01/2022 Deploy Show page instead of file functionality
IASC-725 Reinstate functionality for Document Nodes, after omitting due to issue introduced in D9.3.3 update
Conditional Render
- Fix for the IASC-645 search result that caused a backtrace oopsie on Drupal 9.3
Drupal 9.3.3 with Search and FileFixes
Dependabot, ECR and Webform security update
Note the version number has jumped to iron out a wrinkle from past inconsistencies. This is now v12.0.4 rather than v2.0.4
23/11/2021 - core security update
Deploy 04/10/2021
Linkit profile
Deploy 27/09/2021
Merge pull request #532 from UN-OCHA/develop Deploy 27/09/2021