What's Changed
- RW-1179: guidelines for contributors
- RW-1180: add topic editor role
- RW-1181: hide embargo field for contributors
- RW-1173: add missing settings for nova models
- Composer update
- OPS-9523: update amazon_ses with patch for token refresh
- Merge main back into develop after a production deployment by Jonathan 2025-02-21.0000. by @unocha-jenkins in #1024
- [RW-1173] Add missing settings for the nova models by @orakili in #1025
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #1027
- [RW-1179] Contributor guidelines by @orakili in #1026
- [RW-1181] Hide embargo date field for contributors by @orakili in #1028
- [RW-1180] Add role to edit topics by @orakili in #1029
- [OPS-9523] Update and patch amazon_ses to refresh credentials by @orakili in #1030
- Develop -> Main - v2.26.0 by @orakili in #1031
Full Changelog: v2.25.2...v2.26.0