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Daniel Wagner edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 4 revisions



This document describes the FVS Application Program Interface (API) that provides for running FVS as a shared library.

Note that the fact that FVS is written as a procedural program rather than an object oriented program means that the methods used in the FVS_API are not consistent with an object-oriented paradigm. Specific goals, for example, processing many stands in parallel through time, are achieved differently in FVS than would be accomplished if FVS were object oriented. The design of the API is keyed to this reality.

The design of this API is driven by known and perceived needs and as those change, the API will change. The design was further dictated by the systems used to call it. Currently, there are three systems which are known to be using the API and others may exist. The first is an interface to the R System for Statistical Computing. The second system is based on VB.Net and developed by ESSA by Don Robinson and Sarah Beukema. The third is a system which supports calling FVS from Python. As these efforts progress, it is highly likely that the API will be augmented.

For more information about the interface to R, please visit the FVS Interface Repository. This is a collection of R functions used to run FVS on a wide variety of simulations. These functions also serve to demonstrate how to use the API that is described below. In the future, these R functions may become an R package; for now they documented in the rFVS Wiki page as well as the Interface Repository. For a working example of the interface to VB.Net using Visual Studio 2010, see the FVS-VB.Net branch within this repository. The VB.Net Wiki page describes the implementation of the interface and an annotated version of the working example in the repository.

Basic Idea

FVS can hold one stand in memory at a time. When a shared library is loaded, the state of its memory is not set to reliable initial values; no stand, no run options, and no trees are defined. Using the current API functions, there is only one way to define the initial conditions and that is to read a keyword file as would be done with FVS if it were run as a program rather than as a shared library. FVS keyword commands that cause FVS to read site and tree information are used to setup the simulation.

Specifying the name of the keyword file is done by setting the --keywordfile argument as done the FVS Command Line (there is an API call to set this value without putting it on the command line). The FVS program is then run by calling a single API function which returns when the simulation is over, unless, of course, the program is requested to stop during the simulation. The request to stop is done by setting a stop point and stop year. The program returns when it reaches the designated stop point and then it picks up the calculations where it left off when it is called again. There are several ways to interact with the program between its "return" and when it is called again, each is supported with an API function. Note, this is the basic idea, details are provided below that cover more complicated scenarios.

API Reference

What follows is the definition of subroutines designed to be called by the parent programs. On some operating systems, depending on how the FVS library is built, many routines within FVS, besides those listed below, could be called. It would be easy to destroy the simulation if FVS routines are called out of order. Users are encouraged to take a minimalist approach, yet by all means do take an approach!

Command Line

subroutine fvsSetCmdLine(theCmdLine,lenCL,rtnCode)

Set the command line arguments. When FVS is run as a program, this value is specified on the command line as arguments to the program start (see FVS Command Line for definitions of this string). Values specified using this function take precedence over those set on the actual command line. This function also opens files for input as indicted by the values found and it can result in the FVS return code state to be reset.

Argument Definition
theCmdLine input character string defines the command line values.
lenCL the length of theCmdLine (integer)
rtnCode current FVS return code (integer)

FVS File Close

subroutine fvsCloseFile(filename,nch)

Close the file if it is opened. This routine will normally not be needed.

Argument Definition
filename input character string specifying a file name.
nch the length of the defined part of filename (integer)

Stop Points

subroutine fvsSetStoppointCodes (spptcd,spptyr)
subroutine fvsGetStoppointCodes (spptcd,spptyr)

Set (or Get) the parameters that control stop/restart while FVS is run as a shared library (also see FVS Command Line for definitions).

Argument Definition
stptcd is the stop point code (integer) to be used, see table below for codes
stptyr is the stop point year (integer) be used: 0 means never stop, -1 means stop at every cycle.
stptcd value Definition
0 Never stop.
-1 Stop at every stop location.
1 Stop just before the first call to the Event Monitor.
2 Stop just after the first call to the Event Monitor.
3 Stop just before the second call to the Event Monitor.
4 Stop just after the second call to the Event Monitor.
5 Stop after growth and mortality has been computed, but prior to applying them.
6 Stop just before the ESTAB routines are called.
7 Stop just after input is read but before missing values are imputed (tree heights and crown ratios, for example) and model calibration (argument stptyr is ignored).
subroutine fvsGetRestartcode (restartcode)

Returns the current value of the stop/restart code. This is an integer the indicates the point within the FVS sequence of calculations where the program will start when subroutine FVS is called next (also see FVS Command Line). Note that stopping between the simulation of stands in a multi stand simulation is done even when no stop request has been scheduled (that is, subroutine FVS returns between stands even if there are no stop codes specified). Values are as follows:

restartcode value Definition
1 Stop was done just before the first call to the Event Monitor.
2 Stop was done just after the first call to the Event Monitor.
3 Stop was done just before the second call to the Event Monitor.
4 Stop was done just after the second call to the Event Monitor.
5 Stop was done after growth and mortality has been computed, but prior to applying them.
6 Stop was done just before the ESTAB routines are called.
100 Stop was done after a stand has been simulated but prior to starting a subsequent stand.

Return Code State

subroutine fvsGetRtnCode (rtnCode)
subroutine fvsSetRtnCode (rtnCode)

fvsGetRtnCode simply returns the current value of the return code while fvsSetRtnCode sets it as well. If fvsSetRtnCode is called with a non-zero value, FVS automatically closes all open files and any open databases.

rtnCode is returned with the current return code value in FVS.

rtnCode value Meaning
-1 indicates that FVS has not been started.
0 indicates that FVS is in good running state.
1 indicates that FVS has detected an error of some kind and should not be used until reset by specifying new input.
2 indicates that FVS has finished processing all the stands; new input can be specified.


subroutine fvs(rtnCode)

Run FVS up to the next stop point, or to the end of the simulation of a stand. FVS is started by reading the keyword file or by reading a restart file, depending on run options FVSCommandLine FVS Command Line. Note that fvs() always automatically returns at the end of each stand in a multi stand simulation done even when no stop request has been scheduled. For a multi stand simulation, simply call fvs() as often as necessary until the return code is not zero.

The rtnCode is as described for Return Code State.

FVS Dimensions

subroutine fvsDimSizes(ntrees,ncycles,maxtrees,maxspecies,

Get dimension information for the version of FVS being run.

Argument Definition
ntrees returned number of trees defined in FVS.
ncycles returned number of cycle defined in FVS.
nplots returned number of plots inventoried.
maxtrees returned maximum number of trees FVS can hold.
maxspecies returned maximum number of species FVS has defined.
maxplots returned maximum number of sample plots FVS can hold.
maxcycles returned maximum number of cycles the can be defined in FVS.

FVS Summary Statistics

subroutine fvsSummary(summary,icycle,ncycle,maxrow,maxcol,rtnCode)

Get a snap shot of the simulation of the current stand. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
summary returned vector of 20 integer words that hold summary statistic attributes.
icycle requested cycle number corresponding to the summary statistics desired.
ncycle returned number of cycles defined for the run.
maxrow returned maximum value of ncycle (and icycle).
maxcol returned length of summary (20 words).
rtnCode returned status code for this call where 0=OK, 1=an error.

The 20 returned summary values are as follows (Differences for eastern variants are described in parentheses. See FVS documentation for more details).

summary index Name Definition
1 Year Current year of simulation
2 Age Current age of stand
3 Tpa Trees per acre
4 TCuFt Total cubic volume (Total merchantable volume in eastern variants)
5 MCuFt Total merchantable volume (Sawtimber volume in eastern variants)
6 BdFt Total Board Foot Volume
7 RTpa Removed trees per acre
8 RTCuFt Removed total cubic volume
9 RMCuFt Removed merchantable volume
10 RBdFt Removed board foot volume
11 ATBA After thin basal area
12 ATCCF After thin CCF
13 ATTopHt After thin top height
14 PrdLen Length of simulation cycle (years)
15 Acc Accretion in cubic feet/acre/year
16 Mort Mortality in cubic feet/acre/year
17 SampWt Stand sampling weight, often the area
18 ForTyp Forest type code
19 SizeCls Size class code
20 StkCls Stocking class code

FVS Species Attributes

subroutine fvsSpeciesAttr(name,nch,action,attr,rtnCode)

Get or set attributes of the species in the simulation. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.) When action is "set", the length of the vector must be maxspecies, see Dimensions.

Argument Definition
name character string defining the tree attribute being being acted upon; 10 chars maximum
nch integer number defining the length of name.
action action requested where, "get" signals that the current values defined in FVS should be returned as a vector in attr and "set" signals that the current values in FVS should be changed to those specified in attr ; 4 chars maximum
attr a vector of double precision (8-byte floats) of the attribute being processed.
rtnCode return codes, as follows: 0=OK, 1=name not found, 2=ntrees is greater than the maximum allowed, 3=there were more or fewer trees than ntrees, 4=length of name string was too large or small.

Species attributes that can be returned or set. The units of measure or the period length to which some values apply can depend on when, during the sequence of calculations in FVS, these data are accessed.

name values Definition
spccf CCF for each species, recomputed in FVS so setting will likely have no effect
spsdi SDI maximums for each species
spsiteindx Species site indices
bfmind Min diameter related to BFVOLUME keyword
bftopd Top diameter related to BFVOLUME keyword
bfstmp Stump height related to BFVOLUME keyword
frmcls Form class related to BFVOLUME keyword
bfmeth Volume calculation code related to BFVOLUME keyword (internal FVS variable methb)
mcmind Min diameter related to VOLUME keyword (internal FVS variable dbhmin)
mctopd Top diameter related to VOLUME keyword (internal FVS variable topd)
mcstmp Stump height related to VOLUME keyword (internal FVS variable stmp)
mcmeth Volume calculation code related to VOLUME keyword (internal FVS variable methc)
baimult Basal area increment multiplier for large trees (internal FVS variable xdmult)
htgmult Height growth multiplier for large trees (internal FVS variable xhmult)
mortmult Mortality rate multiplier (internal FVS variable xmmult)
mortdia1 Lower diameter limit for mortality multiplier (internal FVS variable xmdia1)
mortdia2 Upper diameter limit for mortality multiplier (internal FVS variable xmdia2)
regdmult Diameter growth mulitplier for regeneration (internal FVS variable xrdmlt)
reghmult Height growth multiplier for regeneration (internal FVS variable xrhmlt)

FVS Tree Attributes

subroutine fvsTreeAttr(name,nch,action,ntrees,attr,rtnCode)

Get or set attributes of the trees in the simulation. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
name character string defining the tree attribute being being acted upon; 10 chars maximum
nch integer number defining the length of name.
action action requested where, "get" signals that the current values defined in FVS should be returned as a vector in attr and "set" signals that the current values in FVS should be changed to those specified in attr ; 4 chars maximum
ntrees the length of the attr
attr a vector of double precision (8-byte floats) of the attribute being processed.
rtnCode return codes, as follows: 0=OK, 1=name not found, 2=ntrees is greater than the maximum allowed, 3=there were more or fewer trees than ntrees, 4=length of name string was too large or small.

Tree attributes that can be returned or set. The units of measure or the period length to which some values apply can depend on when, during the sequence of calculations in FVS, these data are accessed. Note that while you can set the value of these variables changing some of them will likely cause FVS to fail (species is an example).

name values Definition
age Age in years
bdft Board feet
cratio Crown radio (percent)
crownwt0 Weight of foliage (pounds)
crownwt1 Weight of 0-.25 inch crown material (pounds)
crownwt2 Weight of .25-1 inch crown material (pounds)
crownwt3 Weight of 1-3 inch crown material (pounds)
crownwt4 Weight of 3-6 inch crown material (pounds)
crownwt5 Weight of 06-12 inch crown material (pounds)
crwdth Crown width (feet)
dbh DBH (inches)
defect Defect coded as 11223344 as described below
dg Diameter increment
ht Height (feet)
htg Height growth (feet)
id Internal tree identification number
mcuft Merchantable cubic feet
mgmtcd Tree value class or management code (1, 2, or 3)
mort Trees per acre predicted to die.
plot FVS internal numeric sub plot code
plotsize Size of plot tree was sampled from
ptbalt Point basal area in larger trees (sq ft/acre)
special The value of FVS variable ISPECL used to hold the severity codes when damage code is 54
species FVS internal numeric species code
tcuft Total cubic feet
tpa Trees per acre represented by the tree record.
Defect code Definition
11 input merchantable cubic volume defect percent
22 input board foot defect percent
33 applied merchantable cubic volume defect percent
44 applied board foot defect percent

FVS Stand Visualizaton (SVS)

subroutine fvsSVSDimSizes(nsvsobjs, ndeadobjs, ncwdobjs, mxsvsobjs, 
                          mxdeadobjs, mxcwdobjs)

Get dimension information for the version of FVS being run.

Argument Definition
nsvsobjs returned number of tota objects defined in SVS storage.
ndeadobjs returned number of dead tree objects defined in SVS storage.
ncwdobjs returned number of coarse wood objects defined in SVS storage.
mxsvsobjs returned maximum number of live tree objects SVS can hold.
mxdeadobjs returned maximum number of dead tree objects SVS can hold.
mxcwdobjs returned maximum number of coarse wood objects SVS can hold.
subroutine fvsSVSObjData(name,nch,action,nobjs,attr,rtnCode)

Get or set attributes of the SVS attributes in the simulation. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
name character string defining the tree attribute being being acted upon.
nch integer number defining the length of name.
action action requested where, "get" signals that the current values defined in FVS should be returned as a vector in attr and "set" signals that the current values in FVS should be changed to those specified in attr.
nobjs the length of the attr
attr a vector of double precision (8-byte floats) of the attribute being processed.
rtnCode return codes, as follows: 0=OK, 1=name not found, 2=nobjs is greater than the maximum allowed, and 3=there were more or fewer objects than nobjs.

The attributes have different lengths as defined by fvsSVSDimSizes or fvsDimSizes

name value nobjs value Definition
objtype nsvsobjs Object type code (see below). Note that when the object type code indicates an FVS tree record, use fvsTreeAttr to get or set corresponding attributes.
objindex nsvsobjs Index into corresponding state variables depending on objtype.
xloc nsvsobjs x Location (feet) of object on the SVS plot.
yloc nsvsobjs y Location (feet) of object on the SVS plot.
snagdbh ndeadobjs Current dbh (inches) of the snag.
snaglen ndeadobjs Current length of a snag record.
snagyear ndeadobjs Year the tree died.
snagspp ndeadobjs FVS numeric species code.
snagfdir ndeadobjs The direction of fall if down, -1 otherwise.
snagstat ndeadobjs Status code (see below)
snagwt0 ndeadobjs Crown weight (pounds) of the foliage at time of death.
snagwt1 ndeadobjs Crown weight (pounds) of the 0-.25 inch material.
snagwt2 ndeadobjs Crown weight (pounds) of the .25-1 inch material.
snagwt3 ndeadobjs Crown weight (pounds) of the 1-5 inch material.
cwddia ncwdobjs Diameter (inches) of a chunk of wood (CWD).
cwdlen ncwdobjs Length (feet) of CWD object.
cwdpil ncwdobjs Piled code, 0=unpiled, 1=piled.
cwddir ncwdobjs Direction chunk lying.
cwdwt ncwdobjs Weight (pounds).

Object type codes:

objtype value Definition
0 The slot is open, no corresponding object exists
1 An FVS tree
2 A snag record
3 An FVS tree that is flagged for removal
4 CWD object (exclusive of fallen snags)
5 A snag record that is flagged for removal

Snag status codes:

snagstat value Definition
0 open slot (no snag)
1 green, hard snag
2 red, hard snag
3 grey, hard snag
4 grey, soft snag
5 black, recently burned, still has crown
6 black, older burned, no crown
90 WWPB mortality, one or less years old (red)
91 WWPB mortality, two years old (dark)
92 WWPB mortality, 3-4 years old (grey)

Fire and Fuels Extension Attributes

subroutine fvsFFEAttrs(name,nch,action,nSpecies,attr,rtnCode)

Get or set FFE species attributes in the simulation. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
name character string defining the species attribute being being acted upon.
nch integer number defining the length of name.
action action requested where, "get" signals that the current values defined in FVS should be returned as a vector in attr and "set" signals that the current values in FVS should be changed to those specified in attr.
nSpecies the length of the attr
attr a vector of double precision (8-byte floats) of the attribute being processed.
rtnCode return codes, as follows: 0=OK, 1=name not found, 2=nSpecies is greater than the maximum allowed, 3=there were more or fewer trees than nSpecies, and 4=length of name string was too large or small.

The following attributes can be accessed:

name value nSpecies value Definition
fallyrs0 maxsp Number of years before all foliage will fall from a recently killed tree.
fallyrs1 maxsp Number of years before all 0-.25 inch crown material will fall from a recently killed tree.
fallyrs2 maxsp Number of years before all .25-1 inch crown material will fall from a recently killed tree.
fallyrs3 maxsp Number of years before all 1-3 inch crown material will fall from a recently killed tree.
fallyrs4 maxsp Number of years before all 3-6 inch crown material will fall from a recently killed tree.
fallyrs5 maxsp Number of years before all 6-12 inch crown material will fall from a recently killed tree.

FVS Event Monitor Variables

subroutine fvsEvmonAttr(name,nch,action,attr,rtnCode)

Get or set FVS Event Monitor variables. There are too many variables to list here, see FVS documentation for more details. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
name character string defining name of the Event Monitor attribute being being acted upon.
nch integer number defining the length of name.
action action requested where, "get" signals that the current values defined in FVS should be returned as a vector in attr and "set" signals that the current values in FVS should be changed to those specified in attr.
attr a single double precision (8-byte float) word of the attribute being processed.
rtnCode return codes, as follows: 0=OK, 1=name not found.

Add Trees

subroutine fvsAddTrees(in_dbh,in_species,in_ht,in_cratio,

Add more trees to a current simulation. All values are double precision vectors of length ntrees except as noted below. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
in_dbh dbh values for the additional trees.
in_species internal FVS species codes for the additional trees.
in_ht tree heights for the additional trees.
in_cratio crown ratios (%) for the additional trees.
in_plot internal FVS plot indices for the additional trees.
in_tpa number of trees per acre for the tree being added.
ntrees a integer value, length of the vectors.
rtnCode return code, where 0=OK, 1=there was not enough room to store the new trees.

Species Codes

subroutine fvsSpeciesCode(fvs_code,fia_code,plant_code,

Get the FVS species codes. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
fvs_code returned FVS species code; 4 chars maximum.
fia_code returned FIA code; 4 chars maximum
plant_code returned FIA code; 6 chars maximum
indx index (integer) of requested code.
nchfvs returned actual length of fvs_code (integer).
nchfia returned actual length of fia_code (integer).
nchplant returned actual length of plant_code (integer).
rtnCode return code, where 0=OK, 1=indx is out of range.

Define Harvest

subroutine fvsCutTrees(pToCut,nt,rtnCode)

TODO: Not yet implemented

Specify the proportion of each existing tree record FVS should cut. (The return code reported here is independent of the general return code.)

Argument Definition
pToCut double precision vector of proportions, one per tree.
ntrees length of pToCut (integer)
rtnCode return code, where 0=OK, 1=ntrees is not equal to the number of trees in the model.

Stand Identification

subroutine fvsStandID(sID,sCN,mID,ncsID,ncCN,ncmID)

Get the stand identification codes.

Argument Definition
sID returned character string holding the stand identification code (26 characters maximum).
sCN returned character string holding the database control identification (40 characters maximum).
mID returned character string holding the management identification code (4 characters maximum).
ncsID length of defined part of sID (integer)
ncCN length of the defined part of sCN (integer)
ncmID length of defined part of mID (integer)

Current Keyword File Name

subroutine fvsGetKeywordFileName(name,mxch,nch)

Get the string that holds the current file name (not NULL terminated).

Argument Definition
name returned character string holding the file name.
mxch the length of the string the calling routine has reserved (integer)
nch returned length of defined part of name (integer)

Return Error Code

subroutine fvsGetICCode(rtnCode)

Fetch the integer code returned when FVS exits. A value of 0 means that no serious errors occurred. Non-zero values indicate different error states that sometimes make it impossible to continue (error codes: 10=input data; 20=keyword or expression; 30=extension or group activities; 40=scratch file). The maximum error code value is returned, with more specific clues are written to the main output file beginning with "FVS_nn_ WARNING", where nn =(01,...,36).

Argument Definition
rtnCode value of FVS return code (integer)

Return Unit Conversion

subroutine fvsUnitConversion(name,nch,rtnCode)

Fetch a unit conversion multiplier.

Argument Definition
name character string defining conversion factor desired.
nch integer number defining the length of name.
rtnCode return codes, as follows: 0=OK, 1=name not found.

The value of name is case sensitive (must be coded exactly as show here) and can be one of the following:

name value Definition
CMtoIN cm to inches
CMtoFT cm to feet
MtoIN m to inches
MtoFT m to feet
KMtoMI km to miles
M2toFT2 square m to square feet
HAtoACR hectares to acres
M3toFT3 cubic meters to cubic feet
KGtoLB kg to pounds (lbs)
TMtoTI Tonnes metric (1,000 kg) to Tons Imperial (2,000 lbs)
CtoF1 Slope in the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion
CtoF2 Intercept in the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion
INtoCM inches to cm
FTtoCM feet to cm
INtoM inches to m
FTtoM feet to m
MItoKM miles to km
FT2toM2 square feet to square m
ACRtoHA acres to hectares
FT3toM3 cubic feet to cubic m
LBtoKG pounds (lbs) to kg
TItoTM Tons Imperial (2,000 lbs) to Tonnes metric (1,000 kg)
FtoC1 Slope in the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion
FtoC2 Intercept in the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion
BTUtoKJ BTU to kilojoules
M2pHAtoFT2pACR square m per hectare to square feet per acre
M3pHAtoFT3pACR cubic m per hectare
FT2pACRtoM2pHA square feet per acre to square m per hectare
FT3pACRtoM3pHA cubic feet per acre to cubic m per hectare

Summary of TODO

Here is a list of TODO items:

  1. Finish the fvsCutTrees function (the implementation in subroutine cuts needs to be done).
  2. Set up the FVS function so that one can restart from the previous stand (assuming that the stand is stored in a stoppoint file). This would allow for making several projections from a stoppoint year into the future (upto a stoppoint year) for the same stand. This feature would be useful for treatment optimizations. There are two functions in the API that are designed to support the functionality, but they have not yet been tested.
  3. Add a --treeDataFile option to the command line.
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