The project implements a simplified version of the distributed hash table with MPI in C. A distributed hash table is a decentralized distributed system that provides a logical key-value store where data is distributed across multiple nodes in the network.
The image is taken from
Include dht.h in the user program. A sample user program, command.c, is given the source directory.
#include "dht.h"
Compile and run your program. This is an example Makefile:
dht: dht.o dht-helper.o command.o
mpicc -o dht dht.o dht-helper.o command.o
dht-helper.o: dht-helper.c dht-helper.h
mpicc -c -std=c99 dht-helper.c
dht.o: dht.c dht-helper.h
mpicc -c -std=c99 dht.c
command.o: command.c
mpicc -c -std=c99 command.c
rm -f *.o dht
There are 5 available operations:
PUT: 0 : stores a value on one of the storage nodes. They key is an integer between 1 and 1000.
GET: 1 : returns the value associated with the key. If not found, -1000 returned.
ADD: 2 : adds the node of the given rank to the cluster, assigning the given id. The data will be redistributed to make up for the addition.
REMOVE: 3 : removed the node with the specified id from the dht. The data is trasnferred to neighboring nodes.
END: 4: terminates the program.
For the examples how the commands are called, have a look at command.c.