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SQL Syntax Highlighter and Logger. Unadorned and customizable.


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SQL Syntax Highlighter and Logger. Unadorned and customizable.

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$ npm install igniculus


const igniculus = require('igniculus')();

igniculus('SELECT [port] AS Printer, \'on fire\' AS Status ' +
          'FROM [Printers] P ' +
          'WHERE P."online" = 1 AND P."check" = 1');

Simple Query Default

Table of Contents


A reference to the log function is returned on initialization but can be accessed anywhere through .log

// config.js
const igniculus = require('igniculus');
const options = { ... };

// any.js
const igniculus = require('igniculus');

let query = 'SELECT ...';


A default color scheme is provided. However, you can define the highlight style for each rule when instantiating:

const igniculus = require('igniculus');
/* White constants over red background using inverse mode.
 * Gray keywords.
 * Prefixed by white '(query)' message.
const options = {
    constants:         { mode: 'inverse', fg: 'red', bg: 'white' },
    standardKeywords:  { mode: 'bold', fg: 'black' },
    lesserKeywords:    { mode: 'bold', fg: 'black' },
    prefix:            { mode: 'bold', fg: 'white', text: '(query) '}
const illumine = igniculus(options);

illumine('SELECT * FROM Student s ' +
         'WHERE s.programme = \'IT\' AND EXISTS (' +
             'SELECT * FROM Enrolled e ' +
             'JOIN Class c ON c.code = e.code ' +
             'JOIN Tutor t ON t.tid = c.tid ' +
             'WHERE e.sid = s.sid AND LIKE \'%Hoffman\')');


The options argument is optional and each property should be one of the following.


  • options.comments - Single and multi-line comments. E.g: -- comments or /* Author: undre4m */
  • options.constants - Values surrounded by single quotes. E.g: 'static'
  • options.numbers - Numeric values. E.g: 2.5
  • options.operators - Arithmetic, Bitwise and Comparison operators. E.g: + or >=
  • options.variables - Local variables and parameters. E.g: @name or @@IDENTITY
  • options.delimitedIdentifiers - Text between brackets or double quotes. E.g: [Employee] or "salary"
  • options.dataTypes - One of the included data types. E.g: INTEGER or VARCHAR
    • dataTypes.types - Array of custom data types. Replaces the ones by default. E.g: ['SERIAL', 'TIMESTAMP']
    • dataTypes.casing - Either 'lowercase' or 'uppercase'. If not defined data types won't be capitalized.
  • options.standardKeywords - One the included keywords. E.g: SELECT or CONSTRAINT
    • standardKeywords.keywords - Array of custom standard keywords. Replaces the ones by default. E.g: ['CLUSTER', 'NATURAL']
    • standardKeywords.casing - Either 'lowercase' or 'uppercase'. If not defined standard keywords won't be capitalized.
  • options.lesserKeywords - One of the included lesser keywords. E.g: ANY, AVG or DESC
    • lesserKeywords.keywords - Array of custom lesser keywords. Replaces the ones by default. E.g: ['VOLATILE', 'ASYMMETRIC']
    • lesserKeywords.casing - Either 'lowercase' or 'uppercase'. If not defined lesser keywords won't be capitalized.
  • options.prefix
    • prefix.text - A prefix can be appended to every log through this option. This prefix can be styled like any previous options.
    • prefix.replace - Also, a string or regular expression can be provided and it will replace (if a prefix.text was given) or remove a prefix that matches such parameter. E.g: Sequelize prefixes every SQL statement with Executing (default|transaction_id): This is removed by default by the option prefix: { replace: /.*?: / }
  • options.postfix
    • postfix.text - A postfix can be appended to every log through this option. This postfix can be styled like any previous options.
  • options.output - Output function for the highlighted statements, console.log by default. E.g: process.stdout, st => st
  • options.own - Your own custom-built rules can be defined here. See (Custom Rules) below for details.

If defined, the options argument takes precedence over default options. If a rule or it's style is missing it won't be applied. This allows to "enable" or "disable" certain syntax highlighting as you see fit. (Examples below)

A word on types and keywords

Most often, highlighting every reserved keyword can make syntax difficult to read, defeating the purpose altogether. Therefore, three distinct rules are provided: dataTypes, standardKeywords and lesserKeywords. Each of these rules can be customized individually and come with a predefined list of most widely used T-SQL and SQL-92 keywords and data types. Furthermore each of this lists can be customized as described above.

Starting from v1.1.0 types and keywords are no longer uppercased by default. Custom styles should use the casing: 'uppercase' option for this behaviour. Predefined style already provides this option so no changes should be required.


All of the previous rule styles can be defined like this:

/* options = {"rule": style, ... } where
 * style = { mode: "modifier", fg: "color", bg: "color"}
const options = {
    constants: {
        mode: 'inverse',
        fg: 'red',
        bg: 'white'

Each style having an optional:

  • style.mode - Modifier. E.g: 'bold'
  • style.fg - Foreground text color. E.g: 'red'
  • - Background color. E.g: 'black'

These can be one of the following.


  • reset
  • bold
  • dim
  • italic
  • underline
  • blink
  • inverse
  • hidden
  • strikethrough

Colors (Foreground and Background)

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

Custom Rules

⚠ Be advised

This feature is experimental and should be used with discretion. Custom pattern-matching has the potential to disrupt other rules and induce defects in highlighting.

You can define as many rules as needed. Like built-in rules, an optional style can be set for each one. Every rule can be named as desired, simple names are encouraged to avoid problems though. Option transform is not required, regexp is.

  • options.own
    • own.rule
      • rule.regexp - A regular expression must be provided for the rule to be applied. E.g: /(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*/g
      • rule.transform - Each matched expression can be either replaced by a string or transformed by a function. The function takes one argument, the matched expression, and it's return value will be used for replacement. E.g: 'hidden' or match => match.trim()


/* Predifined style */
const defaults = {
    comments:               { mode: 'dim', fg: 'white' },
    constants:              { mode: 'dim', fg: 'red' },
    delimitedIdentifiers:   { mode: 'dim', fg: 'yellow' },
    variables:              { mode: 'dim', fg: 'magenta' },
    dataTypes:              { mode: 'dim', fg: 'green', casing: 'uppercase' },
    standardKeywords:       { mode: 'dim', fg: 'cyan', casing: 'uppercase' },
    lesserKeywords:         { mode: 'bold', fg: 'black', casing: 'uppercase' },
    prefix:                 { replace: /.*?: / }


const igniculus = require('igniculus')(
        constants:             { mode: 'bold', fg: 'yellow' },
        numbers:               { mode: 'bold', fg: 'magenta' },
        delimitedIdentifiers:  { mode: 'bold', fg: 'red' },
        standardKeywords:      { mode: 'bold', fg: 'blue' }

igniculus("INSERT INTO [Printers] ([port], [name], [ready], [online], [check]) " +
          "VALUES ('lp0', 'Bob Marley', 0, 1, 1)");

Custom Insert

const igniculus = require('igniculus');

const options = {
    delimitedIdentifiers: {
        fg: 'yellow'
    dataTypes: {
        fg: 'magenta',
        types: ['VARBINARY']
    standardKeywords: {
        fg: 'red',
        keywords: ['CREATE', 'PRIMARY', 'KEY']
    lesserKeywords: {
        mode: 'bold',
        fg: 'black',
        keywords: ['TABLE', 'NOT', 'NULL']
    prefix: {
        text: '\n'

igniculus.log('CREATE TABLE User (' +
              '[username] VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, ' +
              '[password] BINARY(64) NOT NULL, ' +
              '[avatar] VARBINARY(MAX), PRIMARY KEY ([username]))');

Custom Create

const igniculus = require('igniculus');

const log = igniculus({
    constants:                { fg: 'red' },
    delimitedIdentifiers:     { mode: 'bold', fg: 'cyan' },
    standardKeywords:         { fg: 'blue', casing: 'uppercase' },
    own: {
        _: {
            mode: 'bold',
            fg: 'white',
            regexp: /^/,
            transform: '█ '
        comments: {
            regexp: /(-{2}.*)|(\/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*\/)[\r\n]*/g,
            transform: ''
        UUIDv4s: {
            mode: 'bold',
            fg: 'black',
            regexp: /'[A-F\d]{8}-[A-F\d]{4}-4[A-F\d]{3}-[89AB][A-F\d]{3}-[A-F\d]{12}'/gi,
            transform: (uuid) => uuid.replace(/\w{1}/g, 'x')

log("/* May 13th, 2018 | 06:09:28.262 | http://server.local:8000 */" +
    "select [username], [password] from Users where [_uuid] = '4072FA1B-D9E7-4F0E-9553-5F2CFFE6CC7A'");

Custom Rules


Igniculus' logger is a drop in replacement on any tool that passes the log function either a string or Object paramater. In the latest case the toString() method will be called to obtain a string primitive.


Using igniculus with sequelize is straightforward.

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const igniculus = require('igniculus')();

const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
    logging: igniculus
/* Or add some customizations */
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const igniculus = require('igniculus')(
        constants:             { fg: 'red' },
        delimitedIdentifiers:  { fg: 'yellow' },
        dataTypes:             { fg: 'red' },
        standardKeywords:      { fg: 'magenta' },
        lesserKeywords:        { mode: 'bold', fg: 'black' },
        prefix:                {
                                   mode: 'bold',
                                   fg: 'white',
                                   replace: /.*?:/,
                                   text: '(Sequelize)'
        postfix:               { text: '\r\n' }
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
    logging: igniculus


sequelize.sync({ logging: igniculus});







For a full list of changes please refer to the changelog.

Future Upgrades

  • Separation of style-related and option-specific configurations BC
  • Adding and omitting data types and keywords from the predefined sets
  • Basic built-in themes
  • Easier to read documentation
  • Option validation and friendly error detection


Lucas Astrada




SQL Syntax Highlighter and Logger. Unadorned and customizable.







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