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EFT studies with Dim6 Warsaw basis


Modification to the existing SMEFTSim () Madgraph model used for the generation of events. To produce a sample:

  • to prepare the environment on lxplus is to use LCG environments, for example (this alredy has a version of lhapdf as well):

    source /cvmfs/ 
  • change the location of the pdf data cards

    export LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/
    # If not working one can try
    # export LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/
    # export LHAPDFCONFIG=/cvmfs/
  • If in a CMSSW release one can issue

    scram setup lhapdf
    lhapdf details

    If one runs scram setup lhapdf from CMSSW_10_6_4 by default it will source the lhapdf v6.2.1. You will see it will setup some paths like (updated version to v6.2.3)

    Runtime variable LHAPDF_DATA_PATH set to "/cvmfs/"
    Runtime path settings for ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH:
     Checks [OK] for /cvmfs/
    Runtime path settings for PATH:
     Checks [OK] for /cvmfs/

    to change this you can see the available sets under ls /cvmfs/

    [gboldrin@lxplus733 3Lepton_SM]$ ls /cvmfs/
     6.2.1          6.2.1-gnimlf3  6.2.1-mmelna   6.2.1-ogkkac   6.2.1-omkpbe   6.2.1-omkpbe4  6.2.1-pafccj3
     6.2.1-gnimlf   6.2.1-gnimlf4  6.2.1-mmelna2  6.2.1-ogkkac2  6.2.1-omkpbe2  6.2.1-pafccj   6.2.3-a2a84f5990d32c24c7240b02577bf55e
     6.2.1-gnimlf2  6.2.1-ikaegh   6.2.1-nmpfii   6.2.1-ogkkac3  6.2.1-omkpbe3  6.2.1-pafccj2  6.4.0-6e1c0caa626970b41aec7b22a0ff6a95

    to source one of the sets you need to define the tool under scram .xml configs:

    vim CMSSW_10_6_4/config/toolbox/slc7_amd64_gcc700/tools/available/lhapdf.xml 
    <tool name="lhapdf" version="6.2.3-a2a84f5990d32c24c7240b02577bf55e">
      <lib name="LHAPDF"/>
        <environment name="LHAPDF_BASE" default="/cvmfs/"/>
        <environment name="LIBDIR" default="$LHAPDF_BASE/lib"/>
        <environment name="INCLUDE" default="$LHAPDF_BASE/include"/>
      <use name="yaml-cpp"/>
      <runtime name="LHAPDF_DATA_PATH" value="$LHAPDF_BASE/share/LHAPDF"/>
      <runtime name="PATH" value="$LHAPDF_BASE/bin" type="path"/>
      <runtime name="ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH" value="$INCLUDE" type="path"/>
      <use name="root_cxxdefaults"/>

    just change the "LHAPDF_BASE" to the wanted one and also the version field.

    Unfortunately this setup miss the lhapdf-config file. One needs to define it once and for all in the scram config adding a line to define the environment variable LHAPDFCONFIG to (for lhapdf v6.2.3) /cvmfs/

    All in all the .xml file should look something like this depending on your CMSSW and pdfset chosen

    <tool name="lhapdf" version="6.2.3-a2a84f5990d32c24c7240b02577bf55e">
      <lib name="LHAPDF"/>
        <environment name="LHAPDF_BASE" default="/cvmfs/"/>
        <environment name="LIBDIR" default="$LHAPDF_BASE/lib"/>
        <environment name="INCLUDE" default="$LHAPDF_BASE/include"/>
      <use name="yaml-cpp"/>
      <runtime name="LHAPDF_DATA_PATH" value="$LHAPDF_BASE/share/LHAPDF"/>
      <runtime name="LHAPDFCONFIG" value="$LHAPDF_BASE/bin/lhapdf-config"/>
      <runtime name="PATH" value="$LHAPDF_BASE/bin" type="path"/>
      <runtime name="ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH" value="$INCLUDE" type="path"/>
      <use name="root_cxxdefaults"/>

    One can then run

       scram setup lhapdf 

    and run madgraph event generation

  • clone this package in your local area

    git clone
  • download a Madgraph release and the existing SMEFTSim model:

    cd D6EFTStudies
    tar xzf MG5_aMC_v2.6.5.tar.gz
    git clone [email protected]:SMEFTsim/SMEFTsim.git #LATEST VERSION!
    cp -r SMEFTsim/UFO_models/SMEFTsim_U35_MwScheme_UFO MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/models
    Older SMEFTsim releases - BUGS

    Older models had bugs in the generation of mixed quadratic interferences terms. However they are fine to be used for the generation of the SM, Linear an Quadratic terms for a single operator insertion. That's why you'll see these models in the MG cards. Here is the recipe to install them in case it is needed.

    • v2_1:

      tar xzf SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v2.1.tar.gz
      mv SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v2.1 MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/models
    • v3_1:

      wget http://
      tar xzf SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v3_1.tar.gz
      mv SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v3_1 MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/models
    • All these releases need older restriction cards:

         cp madgraph_model/v3/* MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/models/SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v3_1 
         cp madgraph_model/v3/* MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/models/SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v2.1 

  • copy in the model folder the additional files present in the D6EFTStudies project, from the right folder depending on the version of the UFO (v3_0 for SMEFTsim releases on github + "NS". v3 for older releases such as SMEFTsim_v3_0, v3_1, v2_1 and so on) (and in some other folder that MG searches in sometimes):

    cp madgraph_model/v3_0/* MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/models/SMEFTsim_U35_MwScheme_UFO
    #ln -ns restricted*.dat SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v3_1/. #do we really need this??
  • trivial examples of Madgraph syntax can be found here

  • Go to the D6EFT models folder and prepare the Madgraph commands. Have a look at the commands, as you will have to copy paste them.

ZZ2e2mu instructions

cd D6EFTStudies/generation
cp /afs/ .
python create1Dfolders_ZZ2e2mu(QCD).py
more launch_ZZ2e2mu(QCD)_cW_*.txt
This creates 3 files with 3 lines each that you will use in the next step. One file is for Linear, one for Quadratic, one for SM.
  • Go back in the Madgraph folder and copy the run_card.
    cd ../../MG5_aMC_v2_6_5
    cp /afs/ Template/LO/Cards/.
  • Launch MadGraph:
    Now type in the strings obtained two steps ago. They should look something like:
    import model SMEFTsim_U35_MwScheme_UFO-cW_massless
    generate p p > e+ e- mu- mu+ j j QCD=0 NP=1 NP^2==2 SMHLOOP=0
    output ZZ2e2mu_cW_QU
    Now you can gon directly to the generation step below.

If you want more details about what's happening under the hood:

  • Example of generation of VBF Higgs > WW > fully leptonic. The following syntax allows for having EFT entering both in the production and decay vertices of the Higgs boson, while it remains not present in the W decays.
    • NB1 with the W decay, no restrictions on NP^2 are accepted by Madgraph apparently
    • NB2 SMHLOOP not zero turns on loops coupling with gluons and bosons, hence one should most probably turn it off with no expected big impact, as its impact is O(alpha^8)
    import model SMEFTsim_A_U35_MwScheme_UFO_v3_1-cHW_massless
    define q = u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
    generate p p > q q W+ W- QCD=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1, W+ > l+ vl, W- > l- vl~ 
    output VBFHWW_RcHW_WWdecay_fs
    One operator of interest which enters in the W decay is Hl3, therefore for productions involving that operator one needs to generate the full VBS process:
    working on it
    The comments issued in the Madgraph shell correspond to the model used, the process generated, the type of generation:
    • the model used for the generation is issued with the command import, which takes as an argument the model name ad possible restrictions, as coded in restriction files. In the example, the model is the one contained in the folder SMEFTsim_U35_MwScheme_UFO, while the restriction is the one in the file restrict_cW_massless.dat. The restriction files present in the D6EFTStudies project produce events with massless light leptons and quarks, diagonal CKM matrix and rigorously zero value for all the Wilson coefficients, but the one present in the file name.
    • the restriction restrict_VBS_massless.dat allows to modify cW, cHW, cHDD, cHbox, cHB, cHWB, cll, cHl3, which are the ones marked as relevant for TGC/QGC and hVV in I. Brivio sildes at 19/01/2019 VBSCan WG1 meeting.
    • the process is generated according to the Madgraph syntax. In particular:
      • NP=1 means that no more than a single BSM operator is introduced in each diagram
      • NP^2==1, when present, means that only the interference is calculated
      • NP^2==2, when present, means that only the squared bsm part is calculated
    • the default run_card.dat produced by Madgraph may be changed by modifying the file Template/LO/Cards/run_card.dat in the Madgraph folder
    • besides the interactive operation, Madgraph may be used with instruction scripts, containing for example:
    import model SMEFTsim_U35_MwScheme_UFO-cW_massless
    generate p p > e+ ve mu- vm~ NP=1 NP^2==1
    add process p p > e- ve~ mu+ vm NP=1 NP^2==1
    output WW_LI
    • the script generates the Madgpraph code for the event generation with one Wilson coefficient different from zero, for the linear and quadratic EFT terms, according to the list of operators switched on in the script.
    • the script generates the Madgpraph code for the event generation with two Wilson coefficients interfering between each other, according to the list of operators switched on in the script.


  • The "" scripts generate .txt files that can be read by MG5 allowing only an individual insertion of an operator and all the others are set to 0. The "" do the same but with two operators turned on (this is done loading the right restriction card). The 2D scripts only create the mixied quadratic term aka the interference term between two operator (order Lambda^-4). An example:
cd D6EFTStudies/generation
./  1
for fil in `ls | grep launch_WZ` ; do ./bin/mg5_aMC $fil ;done

The additional argument in the create1Dfolders allows the generation of the pure SM term. At the end, multiple MG5 folders will be created but no events are generated yet. The event generation can be submitted to condor as described in what follows. Scripts to submit jobs to condor, for the generation of events in Madgraph. To submit a job:

python <MG_output_folder> <output_path> <nEvents_xjob> <njobs> <executable> <jobs_flavour> <job_configdir>
python $PWD/WZeu_SM $PWD/WZeu_SM 10000 100 testmatch

The last argument is only useful if the output path is on condor. Otherwise <job_configdir> = <output_path>.

This will create a folder under your afs environment (WZeu_SM/WZeu_SM_results) containing the output of each condor job. As results can be heavy, and furthermore one should avoid to access (read or write) afs resources from condor worker nodes, it is common practice to save input and outputs on eos (which is mounted on condor workers). However condor nodes cannot read submit scripts from eos (i.e. condor_submit <script.sub> the .sub script should be in AFS) so we should separate the result folder on eos, where files will be copied with cp / scp / xrdcp, and the config folder containing .sub and other logs which has to be located on afs. This is done providing an extra argument <job_configdir> with the relative path to the config dir that will be created:

#create a symbolic link to you eos target folder
#substitute initial_letter and your_username with you field for example
# /eos/user/g/gboldrin/EFT_LHE
eos mkdir /eos/user/initial_letter/your_username/EFT_LHE
ln -s /eos/user/initial_letter/your_username/EFT_LHE

#now launch event generation but change the target folder, remember to provide the absolut path
python EFT_LHE/WZeu_SM $PWD/EFT_LHE 10000 100 testmatch config

MG process folders can contain a large number of files. It can be that during the copy of the MG input folder from eos to the condor worker node some files will be lost (typically some .f files) resulting in failing compilation of the folder and failing of many if not all jobs. A specific executable allows to submit compressed MG folders to worker nodes (which is one file and reduces the possibility of a failed copy).

cd EFT_LHE && tar -zcfv WZeu_SM.tar.gz WZeu_SM && cd ..
python EFT_LHE/WZeu_SM.tar.gz $PWD/EFT_LHE 10000 100 testmatch config
  • The script takes as input a *_results folder, controls some basic parameters for the success of the generation, unpacks the LHE files, creates a summary of the run, and cleans the folder from unnecessary log files when called with the clean option (keeping those of failed jobs). It also creates the input cfg file for read_03.cpp, adding the cfg file to the folder itself

    #./ -b <*_results folder> -o <output_folder_for .roots>
    mkdir EFT_LHE/ntuples
    ./ -b $PWD/EFT_LHE/WZeu_SM_results -o $PWD/EFT_LHE/ntuples

    The script unzips the lhe creating large memory consumption which can saturate eos quickly. To optimize the procedure it is convenient to rezip the lhe AFTER running the ntuplizer described in the analysis section (next chapter):

    ./ -b $PWD/EFT_LHE/WZeu_SM_results -t rezip
ZZ2e2mu instructions

  • In the last step before, MadGraph created a directory called something like ZZ2e2mu_cW_QU (). Go to the D6EFTStudies/generation folder and copy the folder present in the Madgraph directory here:
cd ../D6EFTStudies/generation
cp -r ../../MG5_aMC_v2_6_5/ZZ2e2mu_cW_QU .
  • run the submission script. Good settings are 50000 events and 100 jobs.
python ZZ2e2mu_cW_QU <outFolder> <nEvents> <nJobs>

Config file examples can be found in the subfolders generation/ZZ2e2mu_cW_QU/Cards/, generation/ZZ2e2mu_cW_LI/Cards/, generation/ZZ2e2mu_cW_SM/Cards/, where the param_card.dat, run_card.dat and proc_card.dat examples for same-sign WW and cW non zero are reported. The three folders refer to the SM case, the interference between SM and BSM and the BSM case respectively. Operators of interest are listed here


  • read_02.cpp reads LHE files and produces sets of histograms, NOT MAINTAINED
  • read_03.cpp reads LHE files and produces sets of ntuples
    • takes as input argument a config file: ./read_03 cfg/ntuple_SSeu_RcW_0p3.cfg
    • an additional argument sets the total number of events read per sample: ./read_03 cfg/ntuple_SSeu_RcW_0p3.cfg 100
    • all variables used later on are created here, for the time being
  • checkEntries.cpp checks the number of entries of all ntuples stored in a root file



The code has been mostly taken from datacard_creator.cpp. Fragmented in subfunctions implemented in dcutils.*, reads a config file containing the list of variables to be studied, the selections to be applied, the files to be read and some detailed configuration parameters

  • files have to be produced with read_03.cpp, which is where variables are built. If a new variable is needed, for the time being a new run of read_03.cpp is required.
  • for each variable as an input in the cfg file,
    datacard_creator_2.cpp produces a pair of files: a root file containing histograms and a datacard for Combine.
  • In the folder where datacards are stored, a shell script gets created, that contains the commands to be run to create the roofit workspaces needed by Combine, as well as one to issue the combine fit. The script should be sourced from an environment built according to the indications present in EFT/Fit. Single .sub and .sh files to be launched with condor get created as well.


  • Prepares the combine datacards for 2D combine fits.
  • In the folder where datacards are stored, a shell script gets created, that contains the commands to be run to create the roofit workspaces needed by Combine, as well as one to issue the combine fit. The script should be sourced from an environment built according to the indications present in EFT/Fit. Single .sub and .sh files to be launched with condor get created as well.

Condor submission

To submit to condor the creation of the workspaces and the combine fitting procedure, launch condor_submit with as argument the submit*.sub file of interest from the created datacard folders. Once a set of folders have been created by datacard_creator_2 or datacard_twoOp_creator_2, once can submit all jobs at once like this: for fil in `find . -maxdepth 2 -name "submit*ub" | grep SSWW` ; do condor_submit $fil ; done In this case, all files that have the name like submit*ub and are in a folder which has SSWW in its name will be sent to condor.


Runs over the rootfiles resulting from the combine fits and produces 1D likelihood scans

Fits with Combine

Instructions on how to install and use combine for likelihood scan.

  • The reference for the building of anomalous coupling analytic fitting are here.
  • A Combine tutorial can be found here

You need to be either on MiB cluster/virgilio (read the message after logging in on what to source to be able to use cmssw) or on lxplus.

  • The Combine repository and some instruction are here
  • The main Combine documentation is here

The installation is needed also when using the scripts created by datacard*_creator_2, which takes care of the steps C and D.

A) install Combine

Prepare a CMSSW release where to install combine, which sets the proper compiling environment with a consistent set of libraries to be linked in the compilation process (the command cmsenv sets all the shell environment variables needed for compiling and running once and for all). Since the CMSSW and Combine code is taken from a Git repository, it's suggested to install it outside of the EFT folder.

cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_13
cd CMSSW_10_2_13/src

Download the Combine tool inside the CMSSW release environment and enter the subfolder:

git clone HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit

Go to the Combine subfolder, and get the right stable version of Combine compatible with our setup:

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout v8.0.1

Compile combine with the scramv1 compiling tool of the CMS software

scramv1 b clean; scramv1 b

B) install the fitting model

Download our fitting model and compile it

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis
git clone [email protected]:amassiro/AnalyticAnomalousCoupling.git
scramv1 b -j 20

C) generate a RooFit workspace starting from the datacards

The workspace is the RooFit container that holds all the information needed by Combine di perform fits. THe following script creates the workspace starting from the txt and root files produced by datacard_creator and datacard_creator_2 of EFT/DatacardCreator. datacard.txt \
                  -P HiggsAnalysis.AnalyticAnomalousCoupling.AnomalousCoupling:analiticAnomalousCoupling \
                  --PO=k_my_1,r \
                  -o  model_test.root   


option meaning
-P PHYSMODEL Physics model to use. It should be in the form (module name):(object name)
HiggsAnalysis.AnalyticAnomalousCoupling module name of the physics model, it's a folder
analiticAnomalousCoupling object name of the physics model
--PO = k_my_1,r define the physics observables to be k_my_1 and r
-o model_test.root filename of the workspace created

The module HiggsAnalysis.AnalyticAnomalousCoupling is actually implemented in "

  • HiggsAnalysis/AnalyticAnomalousCoupling/python/ old version

  • HiggsAnalysis/AnalyticAnomalousCoupling/python/ version with one single Wilson coefficient free to float

  • HiggsAnalysis/AnalyticAnomalousCoupling/python/ version with two Wilson coefficients free to float

  • HiggsAnalysis/AnalyticAnomalousCoupling/python/ version with all SMEFTSim Wilson coefficients free to float. NB the root file is searched for in the subfolder indicated in the txt file, by the script. The workspace created can be printed for inspection:

    root -b model_test.root w->Print ()

When using datacard_creator_2, two shell script are also created, that contain the commands to be issued to actually create the workspaces, and that run Combine to perform the fits. Those scripts use the AnomalousCouplingEFT of the EFT model.

D) fit

Simulate with k_my_1 set to 1 and r=1

combine -M MultiDimFit model_test.root             \
        --algo=grid --points 120  -m 125           \
        -t -1 --expectSignal=1                     \
        --redefineSignalPOIs k_my_1                  \
        --freezeParameters r --setParameters r=1   \ 
        --setParameterRanges k_my_1=-20,20           \
        --verbose -1


option meaning
-M MultiDimFit use the method MultiDimFit to extract upper limits
--algo=grid choose the algorithm grid to compute uncertainties
--points 120 set to 120 the number of points in DOING SOMETHING
-m 125 set the Higgs boson mass to 125 GeV
-t -1 number of Toy MC extractions
--expectSignal=1 generate signal toys instead of background ones, with the specified signal strength.
--redefineSignalPOIs k_my_1 set k_my_1 as the only physics observable in the fit
--freezeParameters r the parameter r has a value which will not change in the fit
--setParameters r=1 the value to which r is frozen
--setParameterRanges k_my_1=-20,20 range of variability of the free parameter considered in the fit
--verbose -1 verbosity set to minimum

To simulate "sm" part, k_my_1 == 0 (this is how we simulate the expected result with "sm") :

combine -M MultiDimFit model_test.root                  \           
        --algo=grid --points 120  -m 125                \              
        -t -1 --expectSignal=1                          \      
        --redefineSignalPOIs k_my_1                       \     
        --freezeParameters r --setParameters r=1,k_my_1=0 \                             
        --setParameterRanges k_my_1=-20,20

E) plot the profile likelihood obtained

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/AnalyticAnomalousCoupling/test/
root -l higgsCombineTest.MultiDimFit.mH125.root  \
        higgsCombineTest.MultiDimFit.mH125.root draw.cxx



Performes the detailed inspection of each single operator for 1D scans, produces the likelihood scans, calculates the crossing points with the horisontal thresholds for 1sigma and 2sigma, plots all the results and produces a summary txt CSV (comma-separated values) file containing the scan of all operators and variables considered in the generation campaign. Takes as input the cfg file fed to DatacardCreator and optionally the folder where the *result folder are saved.


Performes the detailed inspection of each single operator for 2D scans, calculates the crossing intersections with the horisontal thresholds for 1sigma and 2sigma, plots the obtained contours ranked in area for the 1sigma CL. Takes as input the cfg file fed to DatacardCreator and optionally the folder where the *result folder are saved.


Compares two different set of results (for example SSWW VBS and inclusive prodcution), taking as input the output CSV files of read_results.cpp.

useful commands and links

  • unzip madgraph results within a folder
for fil in  `find  . -name "*gz"` ; do gunzip $fil ; done
  • prepare list of lhe files for cfg files (rem unalias ls)
find . -name "*lhe" | sed -e s%\.%`pwd`% | tr "\n" ","
  • calculate the cross-section of the sample from the generated events, in the generation folder:
./ [folder containing the job outputs and lhe files]
  • Madgraph totorial here


EFT studies with Dim6 Warsaw basis






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