This is the first Uzbek UD treebank.
Uzbek-UT consists of 500 sentences, 250 of which were sourced from news articles and 250 from fiction. These two genres can be told apart with sentence IDs, meaning that the first half of the treebank belongs to news articles and the second half to fiction. Tokenization and lemmatization were carried out automatically. POS tags and dependency relations were annotated semi-automatically with full manual corrections.
- (citation)
- 2024-11-15 v2.15
- Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.15 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: news fiction Lemmas: automatic with corrections UPOS: automatic with corrections XPOS: not available Features: automatic with corrections Relations: automatic with corrections Contributors: Akhundjanova, Arofat Contributing: here Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================