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**OpenVR SDK 1.8.19**
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* Added Prop_DashboardScale_Float.  Each headset has the opportunity to provide a scale for 'comfortable dashboard UI legibility'.  For reference, Vive is 1.0 scale and Index is 0.75 scale.
* Added Prop_IpdUIRangeMinMeters_Float, Prop_IpdUIRangeMaxMeters_Float to control the IPD user interface range, in-headset.
* Added Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceId_String, Prop_Audio_DefaultRecordingDeviceId_String for HMDs to provide identifiers for associated audio playback and recording devices. On Windows these are Endpoint ID Strings.
* Added Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume_Float for HMDs to specify a default volume level which will be set the first time the HMDs associated audio playback device is selected. Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceId_String must also be set. The volume range is 0 to 1.

* Added GetSceneApplicationState(), which returns the running application state ( None, Starting, Quitting, Running, etc).  See VREvent_SceneApplicationStateChanged
* Removed GetTransitionState()
* Removed IsQuitUserPromptRequested()

* Removed AcknowledgeQuit_UserPrompt().   "Prompt user on quit" functionality is no longer supported.

* Added VROverlayFlags_HideLaserIntersection - This causes the laser mouse to not draw the intersection blob for this overlay. The overlay is responsible for drawing its own cursor, if appropriate.
* Added support for rendering overlays as gravity aligned curved surfaces. See new Set/GetOverlayCurvature definitions for details.
* Removed gamepad support in overlays. This includes GetGamepadFocusOverlay(), SetGamepadFocusOverlay(), SetOverlayNeighbor(), and MoveGamepadFocusToNeighbor(). Going forward gamepads will be supported via lasermouse instead of with these custom calls. 

* Added OpenBindingUI - This function opens the binding user interface.

* Added VREvent_SceneApplicationStateChanged
* Removed VREvent_SceneFocusLost, VREvent_SceneFocusGained, VREvent_SceneApplicationSecondaryRenderingStarted, VREvent_ApplicationTransition{*}
* Removed VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 5469045]
  • Loading branch information
JoeLudwig committed Nov 6, 2019
1 parent 4864a54 commit 176b58f
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Showing 29 changed files with 433 additions and 445 deletions.
Empty file added bin/linux32/empty.dir
Empty file.
Binary file modified bin/linux32/
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Binary file modified bin/linux32/
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Binary file modified bin/linux64/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified bin/linux64/
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Binary file modified bin/osx32/libopenvr_api.dylib
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified bin/win32/openvr_api.dll
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Binary file added bin/win32/openvr_api.dll.sig
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Binary file modified bin/win32/openvr_api.pdb
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified bin/win64/openvr_api.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added bin/win64/openvr_api.dll.sig
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified bin/win64/openvr_api.pdb
Binary file not shown.
186 changes: 85 additions & 101 deletions headers/openvr.h

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270 changes: 138 additions & 132 deletions headers/openvr_api.cs

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195 changes: 84 additions & 111 deletions headers/openvr_api.json

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125 changes: 59 additions & 66 deletions headers/openvr_capi.h

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65 changes: 42 additions & 23 deletions headers/openvr_driver.h
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
namespace vr
static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionMajor = 1;
static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionMinor = 7;
static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionBuild = 15;
static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionMinor = 8;
static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionBuild = 19;
} // namespace vr

// vrtypes.h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,7 +440,10 @@ enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
Prop_DisplayColorMultLeft_Vector3 = 2082,
Prop_DisplayColorMultRight_Vector3 = 2083,

Prop_DashboardLayoutPathName_String = 2090,
Prop_DashboardLayoutPathName_String = 2090,
Prop_DashboardScale_Float = 2091,
Prop_IpdUIRangeMinMeters_Float = 2100,
Prop_IpdUIRangeMaxMeters_Float = 2101,

// Driver requested mura correction properties
Prop_DriverRequestedMuraCorrectionMode_Int32 = 2200,
Expand All @@ -453,6 +456,10 @@ enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_OuterTop_Int32 = 2207,
Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_OuterBottom_Int32 = 2208,

Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceId_String = 2300,
Prop_Audio_DefaultRecordingDeviceId_String = 2301,
Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume_Float = 2302,

// Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_Controller
Prop_AttachedDeviceId_String = 3000,
Prop_SupportedButtons_Uint64 = 3001,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -696,18 +703,20 @@ enum EVREventType

VREvent_InputFocusCaptured = 400, // data is process DEPRECATED
VREvent_InputFocusReleased = 401, // data is process DEPRECATED
VREvent_SceneFocusLost = 402, // data is process
VREvent_SceneFocusGained = 403, // data is process
// VREvent_SceneFocusLost = 402, // data is process
// VREvent_SceneFocusGained = 403, // data is process
VREvent_SceneApplicationChanged = 404, // data is process - The App actually drawing the scene changed (usually to or from the compositor)
VREvent_SceneFocusChanged = 405, // data is process - New app got access to draw the scene
VREvent_InputFocusChanged = 406, // data is process
VREvent_SceneApplicationSecondaryRenderingStarted = 407, // data is process
// VREvent_SceneApplicationSecondaryRenderingStarted = 407,
VREvent_SceneApplicationUsingWrongGraphicsAdapter = 408, // data is process
VREvent_ActionBindingReloaded = 409, // data is process - The App that action binds reloaded for

VREvent_HideRenderModels = 410, // Sent to the scene application to request hiding render models temporarily
VREvent_ShowRenderModels = 411, // Sent to the scene application to request restoring render model visibility

VREvent_SceneApplicationStateChanged = 412, // No data; but query VRApplications()->GetSceneApplicationState();

VREvent_ConsoleOpened = 420,
VREvent_ConsoleClosed = 421,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -752,7 +761,7 @@ enum EVREventType

VREvent_Quit = 700, // data is process
VREvent_ProcessQuit = 701, // data is process
VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt = 702, // data is process
//VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt = 702, // data is process
VREvent_QuitAcknowledged = 703, // data is process
VREvent_DriverRequestedQuit = 704, // The driver has requested that SteamVR shut down
VREvent_RestartRequested = 705, // A driver or other component wants the user to restart SteamVR
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,12 +810,12 @@ enum EVREventType
VREvent_KeyboardCharInput = 1201,
VREvent_KeyboardDone = 1202, // Sent when DONE button clicked on keyboard

VREvent_ApplicationTransitionStarted = 1300,
VREvent_ApplicationTransitionAborted = 1301,
VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppStarted = 1302,
//VREvent_ApplicationTransitionStarted = 1300,
//VREvent_ApplicationTransitionAborted = 1301,
//VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppStarted = 1302,
VREvent_ApplicationListUpdated = 1303,
VREvent_ApplicationMimeTypeLoad = 1304,
VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppLaunchComplete = 1305,
// VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppLaunchComplete = 1305,
VREvent_ProcessConnected = 1306,
VREvent_ProcessDisconnected = 1307,

Expand All @@ -820,6 +829,7 @@ enum EVREventType
VREvent_Compositor_ApplicationNotResponding = 1415,
VREvent_Compositor_ApplicationResumed = 1416,
VREvent_Compositor_OutOfVideoMemory = 1417,
VREvent_Compositor_DisplayModeNotSupported = 1418, // k_pch_SteamVR_PreferredRefreshRate

VREvent_TrackedCamera_StartVideoStream = 1500,
VREvent_TrackedCamera_StopVideoStream = 1501,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -871,6 +881,7 @@ enum EDeviceActivityLevel
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction = 1, // Activity (movement or prox sensor) is happening now
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction_Timeout = 2, // No activity for the last 0.5 seconds
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Standby = 3, // Idle for at least 5 seconds (configurable in Settings -> Power Management)
k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle_Timeout = 4,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1537,6 +1548,7 @@ enum EVRInitError
VRInitError_Init_AlreadyRunning = 143,
VRInitError_Init_FailedForVrMonitor = 144,
VRInitError_Init_PropertyManagerInitFailed = 145,
VRInitError_Init_WebServerFailed = 146,

VRInitError_Driver_Failed = 200,
VRInitError_Driver_Unknown = 201,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1653,6 +1665,7 @@ enum EVRInitError
VRInitError_Compositor_CreateLastFrameRenderTexture = 484,
VRInitError_Compositor_CreateMirrorOverlay = 485,
VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateVirtualDisplayBackbuffer = 486,
VRInitError_Compositor_DisplayModeNotSupported = 487,

VRInitError_VendorSpecific_UnableToConnectToOculusRuntime = 1000,
VRInitError_VendorSpecific_WindowsNotInDevMode = 1001,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2184,16 +2197,19 @@ namespace vr
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BackgroundDomeRadius_Float = "backgroundDomeRadius";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_GridColor_String = "gridColor";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_PlayAreaColor_String = "playAreaColor";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_TrackingLossColor_String = "trackingLossColor";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowStage_Bool = "showStage";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ActivateMultipleDrivers_Bool = "activateMultipleDrivers";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_UsingSpeakers_Bool = "usingSpeakers";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SpeakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees_Float = "speakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BaseStationPowerManagement_Int32 = "basestationPowerManagement";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowBaseStationPowerManagementTip_Int32 = "ShowBaseStationPowerManagementTip";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_NeverKillProcesses_Bool = "neverKillProcesses";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SupersampleScale_Float = "supersampleScale";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MaxRecommendedResolution_Int32 = "maxRecommendedResolution";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MotionSmoothing_Bool = "motionSmoothing";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MotionSmoothingOverride_Int32 = "motionSmoothingOverride";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisableAsyncReprojection_Bool = "disableAsync";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForceFadeOnBadTracking_Bool = "forceFadeOnBadTracking";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DefaultMirrorView_Int32 = "mirrorView";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowLegacyMirrorView_Bool = "showLegacyMirrorView";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2254,7 +2270,6 @@ namespace vr
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PowerManagedBaseStations2_String = "PowerManagedBaseStations2";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_InactivityTimeoutForBaseStations_Int32 = "InactivityTimeoutForBaseStations";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_EnableImuFallback_Bool = "enableImuFallback";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_NewPairing_Bool = "newPairing";

// null keys
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2316,6 +2331,7 @@ namespace vr
static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaG_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaG";
static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaB_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaB";
static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaA_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaA";
static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_EnableDriverImport = "enableDriverBoundsImport";

// camera keys
Expand All @@ -2334,11 +2350,19 @@ namespace vr
// audio keys
static const char * const k_pch_audio_Section = "audio";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OnPlaybackDevice_String = "onPlaybackDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OnRecordDevice_String = "onRecordDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OnPlaybackMirrorDevice_String = "onPlaybackMirrorDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OffPlaybackDevice_String = "offPlaybackDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OffRecordDevice_String = "offRecordDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_SetOsDefaultPlaybackDevice_Bool = "setOsDefaultPlaybackDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnablePlaybackDeviceOverride_Bool = "enablePlaybackDeviceOverride";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackDeviceOverride_String = "playbackDeviceOverride";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackDeviceOverrideName_String = "playbackDeviceOverrideName";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_SetOsDefaultRecordingDevice_Bool = "setOsDefaultRecordingDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnableRecordingDeviceOverride_Bool = "enableRecordingDeviceOverride";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_RecordingDeviceOverride_String = "recordingDeviceOverride";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_RecordingDeviceOverrideName_String = "recordingDeviceOverrideName";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnablePlaybackMirror_Bool = "enablePlaybackMirror";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackMirrorDevice_String = "playbackMirrorDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackMirrorDeviceName_String = "playbackMirrorDeviceName";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_OldPlaybackMirrorDevice_String = "onPlaybackMirrorDevice";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_LastHmdPlaybackDeviceId_String = "lastHmdPlaybackDeviceId";
static const char * const k_pch_audio_VIVEHDMIGain = "viveHDMIGain";

Expand All @@ -2356,11 +2380,8 @@ namespace vr
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_Section = "dashboard";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_EnableDashboard_Bool = "enableDashboard";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_ArcadeMode_Bool = "arcadeMode";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseWebDashboard = "useWebDashboard";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseWebKeyboard = "useWebKeyboard";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseWebSettings = "useWebSettings";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseWebIPD = "useWebIPD";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseWebPowerMenu = "useWebPowerMenu";
static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseWebNotifications = "useWebNotifications";

// model skin keys
Expand All @@ -2374,8 +2395,6 @@ namespace vr
// web interface keys
static const char* const k_pch_WebInterface_Section = "WebInterface";
static const char* const k_pch_WebInterface_WebEnable_Bool = "WebEnable";
static const char* const k_pch_WebInterface_WebPort_String = "WebPort";

// vrwebhelper keys
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Binary file modified lib/linux32/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified lib/linux64/
Binary file not shown.
Empty file added samples/bin/linux32/empty.dir
Empty file.
Binary file modified samples/bin/linux32/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified samples/bin/linux64/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified samples/bin/osx32/libopenvr_api.dylib
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified samples/bin/win32/openvr_api.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified samples/bin/win64/openvr_api.dll
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/openvr_api_public.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ EVRInitError VR_LoadHmdSystemInternal()

// Because we don't have a way to select debug vs. release yet we'll just
// use debug if it's there
#if defined( LINUX64 )
#if defined( LINUX64 ) || defined( LINUXARM64 )
std::string sTestPath = Path_Join( sRuntimePath, "bin", PLATSUBDIR );
std::string sTestPath = Path_Join( sRuntimePath, "bin" );
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/vrcommon/hmderrors_public.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ const char *GetIDForVRInitError( vr::EVRInitError eError )
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Init_AlreadyRunning );
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Init_FailedForVrMonitor);
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Init_PropertyManagerInitFailed );

RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Init_WebServerFailed );

RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Driver_Failed );
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Driver_Unknown );
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Driver_HmdUnknown);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,6 +288,7 @@ const char *GetIDForVRInitError( vr::EVRInitError eError )
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Compositor_CreateLastFrameRenderTexture );
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Compositor_CreateMirrorOverlay );
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateVirtualDisplayBackbuffer );
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_Compositor_DisplayModeNotSupported );

// Vendor-specific errors
RETURN_ENUM_AS_STRING( VRInitError_VendorSpecific_UnableToConnectToOculusRuntime);
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/vrcommon/pathtools_public.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,10 @@ bool Path_UnlinkFile( const std::string &strFilename );
#define PROGRAM_EXT ""
#if defined( LINUX32 )
#define PLATSUBDIR "linux32"
#elif defined( ANDROIDARM64 )
#define PLATSUBDIR "androidarm64"
#elif defined( LINUXARM64 )
#define PLATSUBDIR "linuxarm64"
#define PLATSUBDIR "linux64"
Expand Down
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions src/vrcommon/vrpathregistry_public.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,18 +231,25 @@ bool CVRPathRegistry_Public::BLoadFromFile()
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;

if( !reader.parse( sRegistryContents, root ) )
VRLog( "Unable to parse %s: %s\n", sRegPath.c_str(), reader.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str() );
return false;
try {
if ( !reader.parse( sRegistryContents, root ) )
VRLog( "Unable to parse %s: %s\n", sRegPath.c_str(), reader.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str() );
return false;

ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecRuntimePath, root, "runtime" );
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecConfigPath, root, "config" );
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecLogPath, root, "log" );
if (root.isMember( "external_drivers" ) && root[ "external_drivers" ].isArray() )
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecRuntimePath, root, "runtime" );
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecConfigPath, root, "config" );
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecLogPath, root, "log" );
if ( root.isMember( "external_drivers" ) && root["external_drivers"].isArray() )
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecExternalDrivers, root, "external_drivers" );
catch ( ... )
ParseStringListFromJson( &m_vecExternalDrivers, root, "external_drivers" );
VRLog( "Unable to parse %s: %s\n", sRegPath.c_str(), "exception thrown in JSON library" );
return false;

return true;
Expand Down

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