OpenVR SDK 1.5.17
- Deprecated Prop_DoNotApplyPrediction_Bool. Drivers should provide poses with zero velocity instead.
- Added Prop_DriverProvidedChaperoneVisibility_Bool – Drivers that set Prop_DriverProvidedChaperonePath_String can also set this property to indicate when the driver provided chaperone is visible or not visible.
- Added Prop_HmdTrackingStyle_Int32 - Drivers should set this to an EHmdTrackingStyle value to control what message is shown to users when the HMD isn't tracking.
Add a per-driver “loadPriority” (higher is earlier loading) to control the order that we check drivers for available HMDs. The default loadPriority is 0. Drivers can set a different default in resources/settings/default.vrsettings. The user can override those settings in their personal steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings file. Drivers with the same priority continue to be loaded in alphabetical order as before.
IVRDriverManager interface:
- Added IsEnabled, which returns true if the driver is enabled.
IVRInput interface:
- Added GetActionBindingInfo - This function allows the caller to learn details about exactly how an action is bound, including what input source the binding is for, what mode on that source, and what slot on that mode. For example, a dpad binding to a trackpad would be "/input/trackpad", "dpad", and "north".
IVRDebug Interface:
- Initial version of IVRDebug, an interface intended to collect SteamVR debugging functionality. It currently provides methods to interact with the VR Profiler and the driver debug interface.
- Added EmitVrProfilerEvent - Applications can use this method to emit a discrete event to the VR Profiler.
- Added BeginVrProfilerEvent/FinishVrProfilerEvent - Applications can use this pair of functions to create a duration based VR Profiler event. The methods signal the beginning and the end of the event respectively.
- Added DriverDebugRequest - Migrated this function from IVRSystem to IVRDebug.
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 5214411]